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1. Health Records System
The core parts of the system include an Electronic Health Record (EHR) and a Registration System. The EHR, which stores each patient’s health record, supports key components of existing HealthConnect architecture, including event summaries, EHR lists, views, reports and notifications. The Registration System is used by administration officers to manage patient registration and authentication details.

2. Mobile Electronic Health Records Technology
The electronic health record (EHR) will form the basis of new EHR based services that have enormous potential to improve health-care provision. The PACE project is investigating, potential new services that take advantage of wireless and mobile devices to extend the reach of EHR systems. The research includes context-driven information display, enforcement of patient privacy, and the integration of wireless sensors and medical devices.

3. Telemedicine - UK CancerGrid
DSTC’s Vannotea technology enables geographically distributed groups connected across broadband networks to perform real time collaborative sharing indexing, Vannotea will be deployed at the eScience Centres of Cambridge, Oxford and Southampton in the UK. It will be trialed within the Cambridge eScience Centre CancerGrid project where it will support the review of cancer diagnosis and treatment by providing distributed clinical teams with collaborative access to medical media data such as microscope or X-Ray imagery, surgical videos, etc.

4. Authentication for health consumers
Piccola is DSTC's smart card management software for multi-application smart cards. Piccola enables multiple organizations to share a single card, subject to security agreements. For example, such a card could be shared between multiple public and private healthcare agencies.

5. Knowledge mining with Mango technology for nursing information portals
Many people with a chronic illness find help and direction in online fora, talking with other people. Assisting these people, and the scarce resource of qualified clinicians who need to know when to intervene, the online discussions must be automatically monitored. DSTC's technology around semantic spaces presents a framework for the analysis of text in people's online discussions. Initially, it is aimed towards detecting whether a person is in "transition" - when clinical intervention may be most beneficial. In the longer term, a suite of information technology tools is envisaged which can assist in identifying and using the range of non-clinical knowledge from online sources.

6. Chronic Disease Management
Our technology architecture provides prioritized diabetes consumer health information and support for patients to construct agendas for doctor visits. Violet will also incorporate this functionality into a shared patient record architecture that integrates profile-based search functions, online patient question lists, and ‘information prescriptions.’ The resulting design, the NewConcept Electronic Health Record, aims to allow the patient to be a fully-fledged participant in the healthcare process.

7. Intelligent Health Portals
Breast Cancer On-Line will address the problems of users having difficulty formulating their queries to healthcare portals. We will develop an intelligent interface layer based on an empirical/heuristic algorithm to enhance searches. This will overcome problems currently faced by the consumers when they provide diverse non-technical or misspelled descriptions of their information needs.

8. Electronic Health Record Converters
DSTC's model transformation technology, Tefkat, enables the specification of precise, readable and reuasable automatic mappings between different Health Record formats and different versions of the same format. Tefkat is based on the Meta-Object Facility (MOF) and XML Metadata Interchange (XMI), the OMG's foundation standards for Model Driven Architecture (MDA).