Jane Scobie,  | child of George & Mary Anne SUTHERLAND,  | died at Jinghi Jinghi 8 Dec 1876  | aged 3 months 5 days;  | Jimbour Station Historic Cemetery, Wambo Shire  |

Jane Scobie,
child of George & Mary Anne SUTHERLAND,
died at Jinghi Jinghi 8 Dec 1876
aged 3 months 5 days;
Jimbour Station Historic Cemetery, Wambo Shire

All the headstone photos in Jimbour Station, Jimbour, Wambo shire
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Latitude -26.95907994772686, Longitude 151.2277592810364
Latitude -26° 57’ 33", Longitude 151° 13’ 40"

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