MetaSaurus is a tool for translating a thesaurus
into a network of static web pages for "category-based"
browsing of the records in a HotMeta repository. This allows users
to locate information by navigating the record classification
system as well as performing conventional keyword searches.
The browse tree web pages generate by MetaSaurus are typically
linked into the pages that constitute a HotMeta installation's
end-user interface. When fully deployed, the "display"
buttons in the browse tree pages will perform live queries against
the HotMeta repository. The key features of MetaSaurus include:
- support for hierarchical and ISO 2788 thesauri,
- template-based generation allows tailoring of the "look
and feel" of the browse tree,
- support for generation of A-Z indices of thesaurus terms, and
- support for prefered terms and related terms in ISO 2788 thesauri.
MetaSaurus is implemented in pure Java™ for portability.