MetaSchema is the metadata schema compiler
for the MetaSuite toolset. It translates user-defined metadata
schema specifications into a "plug-in" Java classes
that are suitable for use with HotMeta and MetaEdit. Key features
of MetaSchema include:
- supports any metadata schema based on the Dublin Core model; i.e.
sets of named metadata elements with optional refinement, encoding
and language qualifiers
- metadata schemas are expressed in industry standard XML with a
validated document type declaration (DTD)
- the DTD allows the definition of a schema to include:
- element names and element cardinalities
- element refinements and encodings
- controlled term lists and references to external thesauri
- use custom validators for records, elements and specific encodings
- element, refinement and encoding descriptions for inclusion in
context sensitive "tool tips"
- schema names and URLs
- generates Java source code for plug-in schema classes that can
be used by MetaEdit and the HotMeta Broker and Gatherer.
MetaSchema is typically distributed as part of a (full) HotMeta
distribution. It is supplied with the XML schema definitions for
the Dublin Core, AGLS (AS5044) and ANZLIC metadata schemas. Some
of the referenced thesauri (e.g. MeSH 2003, AGIFT, TAGS, etc)
are also included, along with a selection of record, element and
encoding validators.
MetaSchema is implemented in pure Java™ for portability.