This is an automatically generated reply. *** Because Visual Thought has been converted to shareware, your *** evaluation key is good for 13 years. Enjoy! Thanks for requesting an evaluation license for Visual Thought. Here is verification of who you are and how you can be contacted: NAME: David Horton TITLE: Snr Technical Consultant ORGANIZATION: CiTR TEL: +61 7 32592222 FAX: +61 7 32592259 EMAIL: Here are your license keys: Key (Windows only): 6048 3300 5404 1070 0529 34 Key (UNIX only): 8243 1957 7689 9070 1659 23 Simultaneous users: 10 Expiration date: Sat Oct 26 23:59:59 2013 These keys will allow up to the number of simultaneous users specified to run Visual Thought with all functions enabled until the specified expiration date. Windows 95 or NT Key Installation --------------------------------- 1. From the 'Start->Programs->Visual Thought' menu, run the 'Admin' program. Alternatively, just double-click the 'Admin' icon in the folder or program group created by the installer. 2. Type the 'Windows only' key above into the field titled 'Key:', then click the OK button to install your key and dismiss the panel. UNIX Key Installation --------------------- Please follow the instructions in Chapter 5 of the 'Visual Thought Installation and Licensing Guide' to install this key. Briefly, to install the key, type: confluent_a start confluent_a key vthought then type your license key when prompted. To obtain a report of installed keys, type: confluent_a keys detail If you have any questions or problems with licensing, or for information on purchasing Visual Thought, please contact Confluent at or call 415-764-1000. Enjoy!