FrameMaker to HTML conversion tool
Object_Id : 91
Title : FrameMaker to HTML conversion tool
Node_Type : Production
Format : binary
Address : load Unix Frame Maker
Keywords : converter
Abstract : This tool converts Frame documents to web pages.
See "Additional_Info" for instructions/comments.
(It is part of WebWorks)
Date_Entry_Created : 21/10/96
Entry_Created_By : jane
Date_Entry_Last_Modified: 22/01/98
Entry_Last_Modified_By : jane
Asset_Qualification : useful / does the job
Other_Opinions :
Contact_Person :
IP_or_Copyright_Owner : Qualralay
Support_re_Ownership :
Date_Item_Created :
Usage_Conditions : check licence
Support_re_Usage_Condns :
Authors_and_Contributors: Quadralay
Projects_Used_In : various
Obtained_From :
Derived_From :
Related_Items :
Code_Type : simple tool
Programming_Language : don't know / irrelevant
Portations : Whatever our Unix FrameMaker runs on.
Source_Location :
Binaries_Location : look in the tree: /usr/local/WebWorks (feijoa - as at 21/1/98)
Additional_Info : To use:
In Frame (Unix), go into File - Utilities
You need to set up a mapping between the styles in
your document and the standard html styles. (I think
you might have to run the conversion option, then set
the style mappings, then convert again to get it to
work - maybe it needs the output files there for the
I found that, using MacX, the drop-down list of
styles didn't respond to my mouse, but I figured
out some way to scroll - I think it was
option-down arrow, after clicking on the para style
Naturally (?) graphics don't go over - you need to
convert the graphics to gifs with a tool such as
psrast (qv) or xv.