Object_Id : 53 Title : Checklist for security of setuid programs Node_Type : Production Format : PostScript Address : file: /home2/foster/documents/setuid.ps Keywords : Unix setuid security Abstract : Provides a list of things to check and to do when writing a setuid program so that the program can prevent carelessy giving away its privileges. Date_Entry_Created : 02/10/96 Entry_Created_By : Paul Foster Date_Entry_Last_Modified: Entry_Last_Modified_By : Asset_Qualification : looks promising Other_Opinions : Contact_Person : IP_or_Copyright_Owner : University of Toronto Support_re_Ownership : Date_Item_Created : Usage_Conditions : Support_re_Usage_Condns : Authors_and_Contributors: Projects_Used_In : None Obtained_From : Unknown Derived_From : Related_Items : Document_Type : Programmer Manual / Documentation / Help Additional_Info :