Object_Id : 39 Title : The Ethernet Page (from the University of Texas) Node_Type : Production Format : HTML Address : http://wwwhost.ots.utexas.edu/ethernet/ethernet-home.html Keywords : IEEE 802.3 8802-3 MAC address addresses LSAP DSAP Abstract : This web site has an extensive collection of information about Ethernet(IEEE 802.3) local area network technology, including: - the original 10-Mbps system and - the 100-Mbps Fast Ethernet system. It looks like THE place to go for anything about Ethernet (& might even be useful for othe LAN protocols - especially in the area of MAC addresses) Date_Entry_Created : 30/09/96 Entry_Created_By : jane Date_Entry_Last_Modified: 30/09/96 Entry_Last_Modified_By : jane Asset_Qualification : looks promising Other_Opinions : Contact_Person : IP_or_Copyright_Owner : University of Texas (presumably) Support_re_Ownership : see page Date_Item_Created : Usage_Conditions : Support_re_Usage_Condns : Authors_and_Contributors: Projects_Used_In : n/a Obtained_From : recommendation was from newsgroup comp.dcom.net-management Derived_From : Related_Items : http://wwwhost.ots.utexas.edu/ethernet/descript-troubleshoot.html (this has lists of Type codes, vendor codes, LSAP/DSAP numbers, and multicast addresses.) Other Ethernet pages are: - http://www.cavebear.com/CaveBear/Ethernet/index.html - ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/ethernet-numbers Document_Type : home page / introductory page Additional_Info :