Tools for authoring web pages / writing HTML

Object_Id               : 149
Title                   : Tools for authoring web pages / writing HTML
Node_Type               : Production
Format                  : HTML
Address                 : n/a
Keywords                : 
Abstract                : This entry lists some tools for web page authoring.
                          [It is an early draft - please provide your info]
                          o  Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word - for more info. see

                          o  Hotmetal - this is old but has some useful facilities; see

                          o  I think someone has played with the authoring version/add on 
                             of one of the popular browsers (watch this space).
Date_Entry_Created      : 06/01/97
Entry_Created_By        : jane
Date_Entry_Last_Modified: 20/02/97
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : 
Asset_Qualification     : draft / under construction
Other_Opinions          : 
Contact_Person          : 
IP_or_Copyright_Owner   : see individual tools for licencing arrangements
Support_re_Ownership    : 
Date_Item_Created       : 
Usage_Conditions        : 
Support_re_Usage_Condns : 
Projects_Used_In        : I've used Internet Assistant
                          for the repository setup
Obtained_From           : 
Derived_From            : 
Related_Items           : 
Code_Type               : large program / suite / product
Programming_Language    : don't know / irrelevant
Portations              : Internet Assistant: Mac & PC
Source_Location         : 
Binaries_Location       : 
Additional_Info         : I am using Internet Assistant for Word (version ??)
                          on my Mac for authoring the repository documentation and
                          various web pages such as the travel tips suite - 
                          for more information and comments about it, see: