Developing User Documentation - Overview

Object_Id               : 127
Title                   : Developing User Documentation - Overview
Node_Type               : Production
Format                  : FrameMaker
Address                 :  http://web/projects/tcg/Processes/UsrDocOvw/
Keywords                : 
Abstract                : This paper, prepared by the Technical Communication Group,
                          gives a birdıs eye view of the process that CiTR technical 
                          communicators use to develop user documentation in projects. 
                          If you are a project manager or a business 
                          manager, you have to either manage, or set client 
                          expectations about, the user documentation process. 
                          This paper is for you. 
                          The paper is also a useful summary for technical communicators.
                          It contains:
                          -  What is "user documentation"
                          -  The importance of user documentation
                          -  The standard life cycle for user documentation
                          -  Resourcing the user documentation effort
                          -  Critical success factors for user documentation 
                          -  Phase by phase
Date_Entry_Created      : 07/11/96
Entry_Created_By        : jane
Date_Entry_Last_Modified: 12/12/96
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : Tony Lupton
Asset_Qualification     : good / very useful
Other_Opinions          : 
Contact_Person          : Barry Lagden? Peter Barnes? while Erica is off
IP_or_Copyright_Owner   : CiTR
Support_re_Ownership    : 
Date_Item_Created       : Edition 1 completed June 1996
Usage_Conditions        : Can be (and should be) used freely within CiTR.
Support_re_Usage_Condns : 
Authors_and_Contributors: Erica Lee and the Technical Communications
Projects_Used_In        : HP379.1 (Synergy)
Obtained_From           : 
Derived_From            : 
Related_Items           : Hackos, J.T. "Managing your Documentation Projects",
                          Wiley, 1994 (available from the CiTR library)
Document_Type           : Overview
Additional_Info         : [It would be great to have an HTML version of this