Object_Id : 12 Title : CiTR Internal Phone List Node_Type : Production Format : HTML Address : CiTR Internal Phone List Keywords : Abstract : This web page lists the extensions of all CiTR staff, including speed dial codes to the US and Sydney office and to CiTR mobile phones. Note: To find out more about the CiTR Phone System & find links to the Telstra White & Yellow pages, look at: http://guava.citr.com.au/support/Services/TelephoneSystem/TelephoneSystem.html Date_Entry_Created : 16/09/96 Entry_Created_By : jane Date_Entry_Last_Modified: 10/02/98 Entry_Last_Modified_By : jane Context_or_Scope : CiTR-wide Registrar_or_Contact : CiTR Internal Support ( mailto:support@citr.com.au) Related_Registers : Telstra white pages - http://www.whitepages.com.au/ Telstra yellow pages - http://www.yellowpages.com.au/ (Note: The white pages service has a great world time program for calculating the time to ring overseas colleagues.) Additional_Info : When you want to move desks, mailto:support to get your phone number travelling with you. (This is a mandatory CiTR procedure!) Note: The "phone system" page also has a link to a description of the features of our phone system, including the commands to do "group pickup" and pickup the "night bell".