Object_Id : 73
Title : CiTR Patent Register
Node_Type : Production
Format : Microsoft Excel
Address : http://feijoa.citr.uq.oz.au:13531/macintosh/citr/Registers/patent%20register.xls
Keywords : AIPO
Australian Industrial Property Organisation
Abstract : This register records all patents in which CiTR is a stakeholder.
Date_Entry_Created : 07/10/96
Entry_Created_By : Pippa
Date_Entry_Last_Modified: 07/10/96
Entry_Last_Modified_By : Pippa
Context_or_Scope : CiTR-wide
Registrar_or_Contact : Pippa Shaw
Related_Registers :
Additional_Info : Paper copies of lodgements are kept on file in the
Mac or PC users can find the register under:
patent register
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