Object_Id : 62
Title : Project Plan Template/Boilerplate from CQMS
Node_Type : Production
Format : FrameMaker
Address : http://feijoa.citr.uq.oz.au:13531/projects/cqms/001.Re-use/001.Project_Control_File/004.Project_Planning_Documents/001.Project_Plan/
Keywords : IEEE
Abstract : This boilerplate provides a starting point for preparing
a project plan. Small and large projects are catered for;
also Internal Projects.
It conforms to the standard Std 1058.1-1987--IEEE Standard
for Software Project Management Plans, IEEE, 1987.
The FrameMaker book for the template is "Book" in the
directory you reach when clicking the Title of this entry.
The main headings in the template are:
- Introduction
- Project organisation
- Managerial process
- Technical process
- Work packages, schedule, budget
- Planning Methodology
- Index
- Project Roles and Responsibilities
The template has accompanying instructions in
"TemplateIntro". The instructions explain:
- how to find text that _must_ be removed or replaced;
- the Frame variables in the document & their initial
- the conditional text - the condition tags are "Advice",
"Small_Project", "Large_Project", "Investment_Project",
and "CiTR". These help you produce a project plan that
fits the project requirements. The instructions include
how to hide unwanted conditional text.
Date_Entry_Created : 03/10/96
Entry_Created_By : jane
Date_Entry_Last_Modified: 03/10/96
Entry_Last_Modified_By : jane
Asset_Qualification : draft / under construction
Other_Opinions :
Contact_Person : Peter Barnes
IP_or_Copyright_Owner : CiTR
Support_re_Ownership :
Date_Item_Created : ?
Usage_Conditions :
Support_re_Usage_Condns :
Authors_and_Contributors: ??
Projects_Used_In : ??
Obtained_From :
Derived_From : Std 1058.1-1987--IEEE Standard for Software Project
Management Plans, IEEE, 1987
Related_Items : [put some]
Template_is_for : Project Plan
Additional_Info :
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