Mastering the Requirements Process - Course Notes

Object_Id               : 207
Title                   : Mastering the Requirements Process - Course Notes
Node_Type               : Production
Format                  : paper
Address                 : CiTR Library (Adrian also has a personal copy)
Keywords                : 
Abstract                : These notes come from a course attended by Adrian Mortimer
                          on determining and describing requirements specifications. From the
                          What is a requirement?
                          o  A requirement is some aspect of a product's content or 
                             which is necessary or desired by the customer
                          o  Functional requirements are things the product must do
                          o  Non-functional requirements are properties that the product must
                             have, or constraints on the product
                          o  Each requirement has a fit criteria [sic]
                          o  The requirements are a statement of intent to make the
                             investment in detailed analysis and design.
                          The contents of these course notes are:
                          1.  Do I need Requirements
                          2.  The Requirements Process
                          3.  Project Blastoff
                          4.  Trawling for Rrequirements
                          5.  Writing the Requirements  (see also: 
                                http://repository:13531/more/UI_Metadata/public/1/208 )
                          6.  The Quality Gateway
                          7.  Prototyping and Scenarios
                          8.  Requirements Reuse
                          9.  Reviewing the Specification
                          10. The Ongoing Requirements Process
                              Volere Requirements Process Model
                              ACRE (ACquisition of REquirements)
                              An Early Start to Testing: How to Test Requirements
                              Requirements patterns via Events / Use Cases
                              Requirements Tools (list)
Date_Entry_Created      : 15/04/97
Entry_Created_By        : jane
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : 
Asset_Qualification     : good / very useful
Other_Opinions          : Adrian went to this course & felt the content/approach
                          fits CiTR's way/desired way of doing things.
                          The course notes look reasonably self-sufficient.
Contact_Person          :
IP_or_Copyright_Owner   : Atlantic Systems Guild
Support_re_Ownership    : see book
Date_Item_Created       : Edition 3 - 1996
Usage_Conditions        : don't copy without permission
Support_re_Usage_Condns : see book
Authors_and_Contributors: James & Suzanne Robertson


Projects_Used_In        : ?
Obtained_From           : authors 
Derived_From            : 
Related_Items           : associated Requirements Specification Template:

                          Web site of authors' organisation is:

Document_Type           : tutorial
Additional_Info         : 

Class: Document


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