World Wide Phone Guide and World Wide Electric Guide

Object_Id               : 205
Title                   : World Wide Phone Guide and World Wide Electric Guide
Node_Type               : Production
Format                  : HTML
Address                 :
Keywords                : telephone
                          adapter adaptor
                          volts voltage
                          Hertz Hz
Abstract                : This web page gives access to: 
                          o  World Wide Phone Guide - "What you need to know to hook up 
                                your modem just about anywhere!"
                                It includes a table of phone plugs, ways to deal with hard wired
                                phone systems and special situations such as digital phones &
                                tax impulses.
                                (There is another hint in "Additional_Info" below.)
                          o  World Electric Guide
                                This is a guide to electrical systems worldwide, plugs, advice
                                on using your computer and other general advice.
                                (Note: We have quite a few plugs available - see 

                          The page also has a "Corrupt Countries Index" (re bribing) and 
                          pointers to selected other sites on Weather Forecasts, Currency
                          Exchange Rates, Times (though I think the service available 
                          though the White Pages is better - see  http://repository:13531/more/UI_Metadata/public/1/23 ),
                          Inflight Safety, US State Dept Travel Advisories (e.g.
                          how "safe" are certain countries at the moment.
Date_Entry_Created      : 10/04/97
Entry_Created_By        : jane
Date_Entry_Last_Modified: 27/05/97
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : jane
Asset_Qualification     : good / very useful
Other_Opinions          : 
Contact_Person          : 
IP_or_Copyright_Owner   : Steve Kropla
Support_re_Ownership    : 
Date_Item_Created       : 
Usage_Conditions        : 
Support_re_Usage_Condns : 
Authors_and_Contributors: Steve Kropla
Projects_Used_In        : ad hoc
Obtained_From           : 
Derived_From            : 
Related_Items           : We have quite a few plugs available - see 
Document_Type           : informational web page
Additional_Info         : Here are other tips from the article in Far Eastern Ecomonic
                          Review (April 3, 1997) that that yielded the Phone & Electric Guides:
                          (spotted by Rob Cook - thanks)
                          o  re typing the phone number into your computer:
                             -  don't forget the telephone access number that gives
                                you an outside line and the international access code
                                (see  http://repository:13531/more/UI_Metadata/public/1/23 or

                            -   try inserting strategically placed commas in the
                                phone number you type, as a comma inserts a pause.
                          o  ring your hotel before you leave & try to find out
                             the phone plugs, etc. available
                          o  asking American Express is also worth a try.

Class: Document


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