ts_monthly - a tool for reporting project time for a calendar

Object_Id               : 188
Title                   : ts_monthly - a tool for reporting project time for a calendar
Node_Type               : Production
Format                  : HTML
Address                 : /usr/local/bin/ts_monthly  (on guava)
Keywords                : TSS
Abstract                :  ts_monthly is a script to allow us to get a calendar month's time 
                           against a particular project - reported by person by day (you can also get
                           all projects, but be warned that this creates quite a big file ...)
                          It was created to allow us to get away from having to use paper
                          timesheets to work out what to charge those clients who required billing to
                          a calendar month rather than to CiTR's standard timesheet month.
                          The command arguments and an example of its use are given in 
                          "Additional_Info" below.
                          Note that internal revenue and cost calculations should still be worked to
                          CiTR's timesheet month when reporting revenue, etc...
Date_Entry_Created      : 26/02/97
Entry_Created_By        : jane
Date_Entry_Last_Modified: 28/07/97
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : jane
Asset_Qualification     : good / very useful
Other_Opinions          : 
Contact_Person          : Ricky Leung
IP_or_Copyright_Owner   : CiTR
Support_re_Ownership    : developed for our timesheet system, TSS
Date_Item_Created       : Feb. 97?
Usage_Conditions        : 
Support_re_Usage_Condns : 
Authors_and_Contributors: Ricky Leung
Projects_Used_In        : as required
Obtained_From           : 
Derived_From            : 
Related_Items           : 
Code_Type               : simple tool
Programming_Language    : Unix shell commands
Portations              : feijoa
Source_Location         : 
Binaries_Location       : /usr/local/bin/ts_monthly
Additional_Info         : Here is the usage information:
                          guava > ts_monthly
                          Usage: ts_monthly yy mm first_friday_d [ project_code ]
                            yy: a 2 digit number specifying the year
                            mm: a 1-2 digit number specifying the month
                            first_friday_d: an 1 digit number specifying the first Friday in the month
                            project_code: (optional) project code in uppercase
                          Here is an example to produce a report for project _U001 for
                          the month Jan 97:
                          guava > ts_monthly 97 1 3 _U001
                          Producing report ts_monthly.rpt ... done
                          A report called "ts_monthly.rpt" will be produced in your
                          current directory.  Import the report into Excel.  The
                          report looks like this:
                          guava > head ts_monthly.rpt
                          Date      , Staff                               , Project Code     , Hours
                          01/01/97  , Derrick Hill                        , _U001            ,  5.00
                          01/01/97  , Peter Bell                          , _U001            ,  9.50
                          01/01/97  , Stephen Williams                    , _U001            ,  8.00
                          02/01/97  , Derrick Hill                        , _U001            ,  8.00
                          02/01/97  , Norm Lawler                         , _U001            ,  5.00
                          02/01/97  , Peter Bell                          , _U001            ,  8.00
                          02/01/97  , Ricky Leung                         , _U001            ,  7.25
                          02/01/97  , Robert Coote                        , _U001            ,  7.25
                          02/01/97  , Stephen Williams                    , _U001            ,  8.00

Class: Code


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