ATM Forum membership

Object_Id               : 161
Title                   : ATM Forum membership
Node_Type               : Production
Format                  : other (URL)
Address                 :
Keywords                : 
Abstract                : Below please find your ftp user id and password as well as instructions for
                          your use of the ATM Forum ftp server.
                          User ID:   af6948
                          Password:   "ion,wala"
                          Please understand that the documents available on this server are for ATM
                          Forum members ONLY.  To keep this secure, we are asking that you DO NOT
                          release your member ID or password to non-members of the ATM Forum. All
                          connections to this server will be logged and monitored.
                          Member IDs and passwords are obtained by sending your name and member
                          company name to ""
                          Member IDs and passwords will be given to each individual user. Member
                          companies can request as many separate member IDs and passwords as needed.
                          Please allow only one person per member ID and password. We ask that you
                          don't allow people to share a member ID and password; and that you report
                          to us any member IDs and passwords that were issued to you but should now
                          be invalidated because the employee has left the company.
                          If you have any problems with this service, please send e-mail with a
                          complete description of the situation to
                          Obtaining documents from the ATM Forum ftp server ***Version 2.00
                          Questions and Comments should be directed to:
                          More information is available on the ATM Forum Members Only WWW site:

Date_Entry_Created      : 13/01/97
Entry_Created_By        : horton
Date_Entry_Last_Modified: 13/01/97
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : horton
Asset_Qualification     : approved for CiTR use
Other_Opinions          : 
Contact_Person          : DAvid Horton
IP_or_Copyright_Owner   : ATM Forum
Support_re_Ownership    : ATM Forum terms and conditions in the library?
Date_Item_Created       : 13/01/97
Usage_Conditions        : Must not be disclosed outside the company. (I shouldn't have published within company).
                          Upon resignation you must have this password removed under hypnosis.
Support_re_Usage_Condns : The library has the official hardcopy standards, and ATM forum Ts and Cs
Authors_and_Contributors: ATM Forum
Projects_Used_In        : NC380 NA550
Obtained_From           : ATM Forum
Derived_From            : 
Related_Items           : 
Reference_Type          : ftp site
Internal_or_External    : Internal
Additional_Info         : Also public ftp and web sites and

Class: Reference


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