CiTR Repository: Guide to Things to Enter

Object_Id               : 116
Title                   : CiTR Repository: Guide to Things to Enter
Node_Type               : Production
Format                  : HTML
Address                 :  http://repository:13531/MORE/documentation/asset_ideas.html
Keywords                : 
Abstract                : Meta-data about all sorts of things can be added to the 
                          repository's knowledge base. This guide lists some
                          of the types of things about which knowledge could be 
                          entered. The suggested class and collection(s)
                          under which the things could be entered are also given. 
                          It also give the approximate priority order for entering
                          different types of item (during the setup phase)
Date_Entry_Created      : 01/11/96
Entry_Created_By        : jane
Date_Entry_Last_Modified: 22/01/98
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : jane
Asset_Qualification     : draft / under construction
Other_Opinions          : Note: As at 22 Jan. 98, the document is an 
                          incomplete draft: 
                          - the section for technical items is essentially
                            complete (and this is also applicable for project
                            "Background Information", 
                          - other sections are sketchy.
                          The document won't be finalised until there is a 
                          reasonable amount of experience with its use.
Contact_Person          : Jane Clark 
IP_or_Copyright_Owner   : CiTR
Support_re_Ownership    : I know, 'cos I compiled it while
                          assigned to the internal project _E634.
Date_Item_Created       : 9 September 1996
Usage_Conditions        : CiTR Confidential -
                          Do not casually give away copies to people outside
                          CiTR as we may be able to sell our experiences,
                          including our documentation!
Support_re_Usage_Condns : 
Authors_and_Contributors: Jane Clark, 
                          with input from the "reuse" working group
                          and others.
Projects_Used_In        : _E634
                          repository-related use
Obtained_From           : originated in CiTR
Derived_From            : a original document
Related_Items           : CiTR Repository Guide to where to put actual items and
                          how to reference them:

Document_Type           : Handbook / Guide / General Manual
Additional_Info         : 

Class: Document


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