Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) development |
This technology from a computer networking point of view brings telephony like switching to LANs. ATM's main advantage is that it is fully scalable meaning that the same fundamental architecture applies whether you are dealing with a small in-house LAN, a campus-wide LAN involving many separate buildings, a world-wide corporate LAN involving many sites in different cities all over the world. It means that you can start small and grow gradually without loss of your investment.
With ATM you can specify capacity, source and destination locations in software, and it will allocate the bandwidth as and when needed, optimizing resource utilization. This dynamic allocation of bandwidth is a major benefit at any scale. Which is why ATM is referred to as "bandwidth on demand". meaning that idle capacity anywhere in the network can be brought to bear on a particular transmission anywhere in the local switching area.
The big benefit for corporate users is that band-width at the ATM switch, even 25Mbit/sec, is available to each connected workstation. In an Ethernet LAN the bandwidth 10Mbit to 100Mbit/sec is shared between the users currently on line, and is much lower for each individual user, about 500Kbps for the average LAN. Currently the cost of ATM hardware is prohibitive for most applications. However; there are some applications that need the performance that ATM provides and I'm sure that you are thinking of one right now.
I will be adding whitepapers and links to this page as I get the time if you need more information a good place to start is the ATM Forum, below we have provided a link as well as the phone number to the ATM Forum. Also, Bellcore offers a good computer based course on ATM for about $199. A good book to pickup is: ATM User's Guide by William A. Flanagan (from Flatiron Publishing 1-800-LIBRARY)
Vendor | Product Name | Phone | Web Address | ||||||||||||
3Com | ONcore | (800) NET-3COM | | ||||||||||||
ADC Kentrox | AAC-3 FS | (503) 643-1681 | | ||||||||||||
Adtech | AX/4000 | (808) 734-3300 | Not available | ||||||||||||
Ameritec | Vista Model 155 | (818) 915-5441 | Not available | ||||||||||||
Ascom Timeplex Inc | Routers & bridges, ATM at 155 Mbps ATM-ICP | (800) 669-2298 | | ||||||||||||
Bay Networks | System 5000 | (408) 988-2400 | | ||||||||||||
Cabletron | MMAC ATM | (603) 332-9400 | | ||||||||||||
Cascade Communications | Cascade 500 | (800) DIAL-WAN | | ||||||||||||
Cisco Systems | LightStream 1010 | (800) GO-CISCO | | ||||||||||||
Computerm | VMC 8200 | (800) 873-0303 | | ||||||||||||
CrossComm | XLX | (800) 388-1200 | | ||||||||||||
Cylink | InfoGuard 100 | (800) 533-3958 | | ||||||||||||
Digital Equipment Corporation | DECswitch 400 | (800) DIGITAL | | ||||||||||||
Digital Link | Premisway ATM | (408) 745-6200 | | ||||||||||||
Fore Systems | ASX-1000 | (412) 933-6244 | | ||||||||||||
General DataComm | APEX | (800) 777-4005 | | ||||||||||||
General Signal Networks | INTERVIEW 8000 | (800) 222-0187 | | ||||||||||||
GTE Broadband Systems | InfoGuard 100 | (800) 982-0381 | | ||||||||||||
Harris & Jeffries | H&J Soft-ATM Source Code (Software for ATM hardware) | (617) 329-3200 | | ||||||||||||
Hewlet-Packard | HP E5200A | (800) 452-4844 | | ||||||||||||
IBM | 8285 NWays | (800) IBM-CALL | | ||||||||||||
Litton-FiberCom | CAM 7640/7650 adapts T1/E1 and E-3 & DS-3 to ATM | (540) 342-6700 | | ||||||||||||
MFS Datanet | WAVE | (800) MFS-4USA | | ||||||||||||
Madge Networks | Smart Ringswitch | (800) 25-MADGE | | ||||||||||||
MPR Teltech | WAVE | (800) 555-7700 | | ||||||||||||
Net2Net | Cell Blaster | (508) 568-0600 | | ||||||||||||
NetEdge Systems | ATM Connect Edge Router | (800) NET-EDGE | | ||||||||||||
Network Communications Corporation | ATMiniprobe | (800) 333-1896 | | ||||||||||||
Network General | ATM Sniffer | (800) SNIFFER | | ||||||||||||
Newbridge Networks | 36150 MainStreet ATMnet Switch | (800) 343-3600 | | ||||||||||||
Northern Telecom | Magellan | (800) 4-NORTEL | | ||||||||||||
OnStream | CS600 | (800) 477-7585 | | ||||||||||||
Premisys Communications | IMACS | (510) 353-7600 | | ||||||||||||
Radcom | RC-200-C | (800) RADCOM-4 | | ||||||||||||
Scorpio Communications | Stinger-5 | (212) 221-5998 | Not Available | ||||||||||||
Sprint | Frame Relay to ATM Interworking | (214) 405-5487 | | ||||||||||||
StrataCom | IGX 8 | (408) 882-2003 | | ||||||||||||
Tekelec | Chameleon Open | (408) 882-2003 | | ||||||||||||
Telecommunications Techniques Corp | T-Berd 310 | (800) 638-2049 | | ||||||||||||
Telematics | NCX | (800) 833-4580 | | ||||||||||||
Teleport Communications Group | LAN Emulation | (718) 355-4990 | | ||||||||||||
Trillium Digital Systems, Inc | ATM software products & Licenses | (310) 479-0500 | | ||||||||||||
Wandel & Goltermann | DA-30C | (800) 277-7404 | | ||||||||||||
Whitetree | WS3000 | (415) 855-0855 | | ||||||||||||
Xylan | OmniCell | (800) 99-XYLAN | | ||||||||||||
Xyplex | 7000 | (800) 338-5316 | |
AAL | ATM Adaptation Layer | AAL | ATM Adaptation Layer | ||||||||||||
ABR | Available Bit Rate | AIM | ATM Inverse Multiplexer | ||||||||||||
ANSI | American National Standards Institute | ASIC | Application specific Integrated Circuit | ||||||||||||
Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
BA | Buffer Allocatiion | ||||||||||||
BECN | Backward Explicit Congestion Notification | BER | Bit Error Rate | ||||||||||||
B-ISDN | Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network | BN | Bridge Number | ||||||||||||
BOM | Beginning of Message | CBR | Constant Bit Rate | ||||||||||||
CC | Call Control | CCITT | International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee | ||||||||||||
CCR | Current Cell Rate | CDT | Cell Delay Tolerance | ||||||||||||
CDV | Cell Delay Variation | CE | Connection Element | ||||||||||||
CEP | Connection End Point | CES | Circuit Emulation Service | ||||||||||||
CI | Continuation Indicator | CIR | Committed Information Rate | ||||||||||||
CLP | Cell Loss Priority | CLR | Cell Loss Ratio | ||||||||||||
CL | Connectionless Service | CO | Connection Oriented | ||||||||||||
COM | Continuation of Message | CPE | Customer Premises Equipment | ||||||||||||
CPN | Customer Premises Network | CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check | ||||||||||||
CRF | Connection Related Function | CS | Convergence Sublayer | ||||||||||||
DCE | Data Communication Equipment | DLCI | Data Link Connection Identifier | ||||||||||||
DTE | Data Terminal Equipment | DXI | Data Exchange Interface | ||||||||||||
EFCI | Explicit Forward Congestion Indicator | ELAN | Emulated Local Area Network | ||||||||||||
ET | Exchange Termination | FUNI | Frame User Network Interface | ||||||||||||
GFC | Generic Flow Control | HEC | Header Error Control | ||||||||||||
HLF | Higher Layer Functions | ITU | International Telecommunications Union | ||||||||||||
LAN | Local Area Network | LANE | Local Area Network Emulation | ||||||||||||
LECS | LAN Emulation Configuration Server | LT | Line Termination | ||||||||||||
MID | Message Identifier | MSP | Maintenance Service Provider | ||||||||||||
MPOA | Multiprotocol Over ATM | NNI | Network Node Interface | ||||||||||||
NS | Network Supervision | NT | Network Termination | ||||||||||||
OAM | Operations, Administration and Maintenance | OSI | Open Systems Interconnection | ||||||||||||
PCI | Protocol Control Information | PDU | Protocol Data Unit | ||||||||||||
PHY | Physical Layer | PMD | Physical Medium Dependent | ||||||||||||
PNNI | Private Network-to-Network Interface | PRM | Protocol Reference Model | ||||||||||||
PS | Protection Switching | PT | Payload Type | ||||||||||||
QOS | Quality of Service | SAR | Segmentation and Reassembly | ||||||||||||
SAP | Service Access Point | SDH | Synchronous Digital Hierarchy | ||||||||||||
SDU | Service Data Unit | SEP | Signaling Endpoint | ||||||||||||
SOH | Section Overhead | SONET | Synchronous Optical Network | ||||||||||||
SVC | Signaling Virtual Channel | TA | Terminal Adapter | ||||||||||||
TE | Terminal Equipment | UNI | User Network Interface | ||||||||||||
VBR | Variable Bit Rate | VC | Virtual Channel | ||||||||||||
VCC | Virtual Channel Connection | VCI | Virtual Channel Idenfifier | ||||||||||||
VCL | Virtual Channel Link | VP | Virtual Path | ||||||||||||
VPC | Virtual Path Connection | VPI | Virtual Path Idenfifier | ||||||||||||
VPT | Virtual Path Terminator |
Due to the nature of technology most of our pages go through continuous updates. If you have any suggestions or need additional information do not hesitate to contact us.