Where file is either a directory name, the name of a GRASP library file ending in ".gl", or the name of a GRASP script ending in ".txt". You cannot have a directory name ending in ".gl" or ".txt".
At present, due to implementation considerations, none of the fancy "fade in" methods supported by GRASP are supported by xviewgl. All images are simply "snap" faded to the screen. Future versions of xviewgl may support other fades.
-f Attempts to "fix up" the aspect ratio according to the
screen type.
-i Install colormap.
-x These options allow you to specify x and y scaling factors.
-y Only integer values are allowed.
Some commands are still a mystery to me. Some of the ones I have seen but not deciphered so far are FONT, SPREAD, and RECT. SPREAD seems to take two pic registers as its first and second arguments, but the third argument, which is usually negative, eludes me. I have also seen it in 1 and 2-argument forms...