Violet Ethel May (Dollie) MEACHAM,  | died 29 May 1954 aged 57 years;  | Leslie Glanville MEACHAM,  | died  19 Jul 1963;  | Anglican Cemetery, Sherwood.  |   |

Violet Ethel May (Dollie) MEACHAM,
died 29 May 1954 aged 57 years;
Leslie Glanville MEACHAM,
died 19 Jul 1963;
Anglican Cemetery, Sherwood.

All the headstone photos in Sherwood (Anglican) Cemetery, Brisbane
Names in photographed order.
Names in alphabetical order.
Latitude -27.53295770167786, Longitude 152.9875411792151
Latitude -27° 31’ 59", Longitude 152° 59’ 15"

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© Copyright 1996-2025 Kerry Raymond and David Horton