The Queensland Times - Ipswich, Tuesday, February 2 (1892)
Funeral - The friends of Mr Joseph Sellars, deceased, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, to move from his late residence, Rosevale at 4 o'clock this (Tuesday) afternoon, for the Rosevale Church of England Burial Ground
J.W. Reed. Undertaker.
The many friends of Mr Joseph Sellars of Rosevale will regret to learn of his death which occurred yesterday. The deceased was a very old resident of the district, and had for some years taken an active part in Church matters, officiating frequently as lay reader in connection with the English Church are Rosevale. He was also for some time a member of the Divisional Board. His funeral, it will be seen, is appointed to leave his late residence for the local cemetery at 4 o'clock this afternoon.