1904 Post Office Directory - Rosedale. Rosevale. Mount Morinish. Mount Perry. Mount Pleasant. Mount Rainbow. Mount Romeo Mount Shamrock. Mountside. Mount Stanley. Mount Sturt.

http://members.ozemail.com.au/~jpshort/goughs.htm - Gough family
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~comerford/ - LAWRENCE family
http://www.schools.ash.org.au/rosevale/ - Rosevale state school
http://www.vcpa.com.au/QLD/boonah_fassifern_guardian.html - Fassifern Guardian (Boonah)
http://www.donicht.de/sbeverlyannmarkham.htm - From Hohenselchow to Queensland
http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/digital/jph/JPH114.HTM - Jubilee Pictorial History of Churches of Christ in Australasia (1903)
http://www.nrm.qld.gov.au/property/placenames/detail.php?id=29068 -

Place Names Online Search


Place Type Parish
Local Authority Boonah Shire
Status Approved & Current
Plan Number
Narrative Derived from pastoral run name, used by William? Ross ( - ) pastoralist originally Rossvale, corrupted to Rosevale between 1850s and 1860s.
Alternative Name
Previous Name
Latitude: 27° 52' S
Longitude: 152° 26' E
Datum: GDA94
Map of Queensland


Place Type Locality Bounded
Local Authority Boonah Shire
Status Approved & Current
Date: 25-Aug-2000
Page: 1423
Plan Number QPN751
Narrative Derived from a pastoral run name used first in 1850s, by William? Ross ( - ) pastoralist, as Rossvale. Named and bounded by the Minister for Natural Resources 25th August 2000.
Alternative Name
Previous Name
Latitude: 27° 51' 33" S
Longitude: 152° 29' 29" E
Datum: GDA94