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American River
BUICK Alexander Hunter, d: 29 May 1860
BUICK Alfred, d: 7 Aug 1867
BUICK Elizabeth Hunter d: 13 Nov 1861
BUICK Florence, d: 7 Oct 1866
Antechamber Bay
CLARK, Thomas, d: 19 May 1892
THOMAS, Nathaniel Walles, d: 16 Nov 1879
THOMAS, Sophia (little sal), d: 5 Nov 1880
Cygnet River
Duck Lagoon
Emu Bay Historic Cemetery.
WHITTLE, Albert Thomas, d: 25 Jan 1927
WHITTLE, Harold James, d: 24 Jul 1908
WHITTLE, Sydney Albert d: 18 Feb 1907
WHITTLE, Ursula May d: 26 May 1907
Middle River
SNELLING, Elizabeth d: 12 Apr 1866
SNELLING, (female baby) 1866
SNELLING, Helen 4 Jul 1866
SNELLING, Henry 30Jun 1866
Penneshaw East
BRISTOW George William
BRAGGS (female)
BUICK (male)
CHENOWETH. Adelaide Ann, d: 18 May 1880
CHENOWETH. Louisa Ethel, d: 30 Mar 1880
JOHMSTON, Francis (frank) James, 27 Feb 1864
SIMPSON (female)
Snug Cove
Stokes Bay
West Bay
PRINGLE, Robert, d: 16 Jun 1885
Isolated Graves on Kangaroo Island
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Penneshaw Cemetery
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Penneshaw Cemetery
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The first officially recorded burial at this site was Frederick Ebert in 1868, though the area was not surveyed as a public cemetery until 1876.
Before 1868, and in some cases after this date, deceased persons in the Dudley District were buried near to where they had lived or died. Some of these sites are known, but too many have been lost to local knowledge over time and much is left to conjecture.
Penneshaw was known as "Hog Bay" until 1884.
Some of the people buried here were pre-colonial settlers who had made the eastern end of Kangaroo Island their home, many years before the landing in July 1836 at Reeves Point of pioneering families brought out from England by the South Australian Company.
Many of the headstones come from the mainland. Locally used materials include Windmill Beach rocks and more recently slate.
Penneshaw cemetery was heritage listed in 1995. More comprehensive information about Dudley District pioneers is available at the Penneshaw Maritime and Folk Museum.
Penneshaw Cemetery
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William Walker
Penneshaw Cemetery
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William Walker
d: 1 Aug 1880, aged 68
Penneshaw Cemetery
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Penneshaw Cemetery
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ABELL, Frank d 14.7.1954 aged 70 (husband of Mary Ann)
ABELL, Mary Ann d 13.10.1971 aged 79 (daughter of Joe Seymour)
BAINBRIDGE, Sarah d: 1911 ahed 63 (daughter of E.S. Bates Snr)
BARRETT, Emma d 24.2.1922 aged 68 (daughter of Mary Seymour)
BARRETT, Francis d approx 1895 (husband of Emma)
BATES, Albert d approx 1880 (infant son of GJ Bates)
BATES Alfred d 1889 age 19 (son of Henry F Bates)
BATES, Charles Melbourne d. 17.11.1971 (son of Henry F Bates)
BATES Henry Frederick (Harry) d 4.10.1936 aged 92
BATES, Nellie d 20.1.1951 (wife of Charles M)
BIRRELL d approx 1916 (infant son of Thomas Birrell)
BUTTERLEY, Sydney Herbert d. 19.8.1884 aged 2 years (son of Ja,es and Rachel Ebert/Seymour)
CHENOWETH, d approx 1880 (daughter of Harry and Emma nee Bates)
CHIRGWIN, Annie nee Potter d approx 1897 (wife of Tom)
CHIRGWIN, Enoch d approx 1890 (brother of Tom & Martin)
CHIRGWIN, John d approx 1890 appendicitis (son of Tom & Martin)
CHRISTIE, Florence d: 25.1.1928 aged 8 days (daughter of Alfred and Florence)
COLES, Franz Peter Ex Sarau d. 31.7.1927 age 69
DAVIDSON, Martha d 20.8.1943 age 83 (defacto of Henry F BATES)
DAVIES, Alec d 1903 (son of James H Davies)
DAVIES. Edwin David. d: 1.2.1971 age 82 years
DAVIES, Elizabeth d: 17.4.1955 (wife of J H DAVIES)
GERMAIN, Mrs (lived at American River)
Penneshaw Cemetery
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GOBELL, George d 3.3.1935 aged 85
GOBELL, Mrs George d: 11.9.1919 (nss HAMILTON)
HATLEY, Fred Reginald d: 5.4.1922 (killed at Muston Salt Lake)
HAYWARD Edith Zulieme (nee WILLSON) d 13.9.1951 age 66 (wife of John)
HOLTZE, Ephraim Pia dz: 6.7.1937 age 89 years (lived at American River)
JOHNSTON, Eliza d: 4.5.1888 age 62 years (nee Jennings)
JOHNSTON, Robert d 25.12.1942 age 84
JOHNSTON, Thomas d 24.11.1892 aged 82 (husband of Eliza)
JONES Solomon d: 1.2.1925 aged 73
KANE, Margory Claire d: 13.5.1971 aged 54
LOVEDAY, Horace Percival d: 9.8.1938 sged 62 (lived at American River)
LYALL, Elizabeth d: 4.1.1938 aged 88
LYALL, Thomas Henry Hobart. d: 19.9.1930 (son of William)
LYALL, William d: 28.10.1911 aged 65 (farmer)
LYALL, William Alfred Ernest d: 17.10.1940 age 67
McARTHUR, Catherine d: approx 1886 age 79 (wife of Donald)
McARTHUR, Donald d: approx 1892 aged 98 (father of James)
McINTOSH, Louis Doreen (Doris) d: 19.8.1947 aged 42
McLEOD, Donald d: approx 1912 (lived at American River)
MOLE, Charles T, d: 5.4.1921 (lived at Willson River)
MORRIS, David d: 22.5.1950 aged 68
MURRAY, James Richard d: 25.11.1909 aged 62 (son of Hannah Davidson)
MURRAY, Mary Ann d: March 1884 aged 30 (wife of James)
NORTHCOTT, Victor Rowland d: 14.7.1980 aged 87
Penneshaw Cemetery
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OSBORNE, George d: approx 1880
PAULSON, John d 10.7.1940 aged 73
PAULSON, Petronella d: 26.11.1947 (lived at American River)
SAWYER, Rose (Mrs) d: approx 1967 aged 83
SEYMOUR, Joseph d: 11.10.1946 aged 89 (grandson of Nat Thomas)
SEYMOUR, William d: approx 1878 (husband of Mary nee Thomas)
SIMPSON, Hannah d approx 1904 aged 65 (daughter of Nat Thomas)
SIMPSON, Thomas (Snr) d. approx 1904 aged 85, (husband of Hannah)
SIMPSON, William Valentine d. 3.10.1936
TAIT, Nellie (daughter of Peter Tait)
TAPLEY, Capt. Richard arr S.A. 1840
TAPLEY, John (skipper of cutter Albatross) d. 23.1.1869
TAYLOR, d. approx 1909 aged 5 (son of J.T. Taylor)
THOMAS, Mary d: 12.12.1960
TRAVERS, William (Bill) d. Feb 1909 (Stonemason on KI approx 30 years)
TRETHEWEY, Bruce d: 5.3.1909 aged 4
WHITE, Frank George d. Jun 1918 (lived in American River)
WILLSON, Ann Ethel d. 29.3.1979 aged 89 (wife of Ernest)
WILLSON, Elizabeth Lille
WILLSON, Ellen d: 1.4.1906 (wife of Thomas snr)
WILLSON, Jean Mary d: 7.5.1982 age approx 72
WILLSON, Katie d: 23.5.1886 (wife of Martin)
WILLSON, Zulieme Jane d: 21.9.1916 age approx 12 (daughter of C.D. WILLSON)
Penneshaw Cemetery
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OSBORNE, George d: approx 1880
PAULSON, John d 10.7.1940 aged 73
PAULSON, Petronella d: 26.11.1947 (lived at American River)
SAWYER, Rose (Mrs) d: approx 1967 aged 83
SEYMOUR, Joseph d: 11.10.1946 aged 89 (grandson of Nat Thomas)
SEYMOUR, William d: approx 1878 (husband of Mary nee Thomas)
SIMPSON, Hannah d approx 1904 aged 65 (daughter of Nat Thomas)
SIMPSON, Thomas (Snr) d. approx 1904 aged 85, (husband of Hannah)
SIMPSON, William Valentine d. 3.10.1936
TAIT, Nellie (daughter of Peter Tait)
TAPLEY, Capt. Richard arr S.A. 1840
TAPLEY, John (skipper of cutter Albatross) d. 23.1.1869
TAYLOR, d. approx 1909 aged 5 (son of J.T. Taylor)
THOMAS, Mary d: 12.12.1960
TRAVERS, William (Bill) d. Feb 1909 (Stonemason on KI approx 30 years)
TRETHEWEY, Bruce d: 5.3.1909 aged 4
WHITE, Frank George d. Jun 1918 (lived in American River)
WILLSON, Ann Ethel d. 29.3.1979 aged 89 (wife of Ernest)
WILLSON, Elizabeth Lille
WILLSON, Ellen d: 1.4.1906 (wife of Thomas snr)
WILLSON, Jean Mary d: 7.5.1982 age approx 72
WILLSON, Katie d: 23.5.1886 (wife of Martin)
WILLSON, Zulieme Jane d: 21.9.1916 age approx 12 (daughter of C.D. WILLSON)
Penneshaw Cemetery
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Penneshaw Cemetery
The first officially recorded burial at this site was Frederick Ebert in 1868, though the area was not surveyed as a public cemetery until 1876.
Before 1868, and in some cases after this date, deceased persons in the Dudley District were buried near to where they had lived or died. Some of these sites are known, but too many have been lost to local knowledge over time and much is left to conjecture.
Penneshaw was known as "Hog Bay" until 1884.
Some of the people buried here were pre-colonial settlers who had made the eastern end of Kangaroo Island their home, many years before the landing in July 1836 at Reeves Point of pioneering families brought out from England by the South Australian Company.
Many of the headstones come from the mainland. Locally used materials include Windmill Beach rocks and more recently slate.
Penneshaw cemetery was heritage listed in 1995. More comprehensive information about Dudley District pioneers is available at the Penneshaw Maritime and Folk Museum.