Transcriptions of notice board in cemetery
There is a notice board in the cemetery with copies of newspaper
Joseph Eaton, while riding from Herberton
to Miller's Camp on saturday afternoon, struck his head against a
tree, in the vicinity of Mrs Faler's establishment, causing
concussion of the brain and severe scalp wounds. Dr. Anderson was in
attendence on Sunday afternoon, and purported making a second visit
on Wednesday, but unfortunately, Eaton died on Tuesday. The
particulars of the accident are unknown. Deceased was formerly in
business at Kingsborough as a publican.
Fatal accident - We regret to have to
record fatal accident in the district. The unhappy circumstance are
as follows :- At the 210 feet level in the Prospecting claim,a well
hole was being sunk. A charge of dynamite missed fire when J.H. Long
and D. Usher extracted the fuse and the cap. They then started to
drill out the tamping which evidently caused the accident. The
consequence, however, was that Long's leg was blown off, as also one
side of his head, which must have caused instantaneous death. Usher
received considerable injury to his eyes, face and body, and is now
in the hospital under the care of Dr. Bowkett. A few feet above the
level a drive had been put in, at the edge of which Mr Bonnar the
manager was standing and received some injury in the throat and
face. A couple of men were also working at the edge but fortunately
one retired back to procure a saw to cut off a piece of plank while
the other was pulling back the latter and so escaped all injury.
Long's sudden death has cast a gloom over the community and a deep
and general sympathy is felt for his widow and four children. The
deceased had but recently recommenced business as a chemist to which
he attended on evenings, while during the day he worked at the
Prospecting claim. He had given notice to the manager of his
intention to leave the employ at the end of the present week with a
view to devote the whole of his attention to his business. The
burial took place on the same afternoon and was attended by nearly
200 persons, the Rev E.T. Lloyd officiating. A magisterial enquiry
will be held in a few days. We are glad to be able to state that Mr
Usher is progressing favorably. Immediately after the accident the
shaft was visited by Mr Shakespeare, the Inspector of Mines, who had
but recently arrived. Mr Mobray and others, and the result of their
inspection is that the unhappy occurrence was purely accidental.
Determined Suicide - Joseph McCrory who
was an inmate of the Herberton Hospital, escaped from that
Institution on Sunday morning while sufferring from aborration
of intellect, and although the matter was reported to the Police,
and diligent search made, he could not be found. On Monday morning,
however, the body was found suspended by the neck by a strap and
handkerchief to one of the rungs of the ladders in the "Poor
Stroller" shaft about forty feet from the surface, his legs touching
the water. The body was removed to the Hospital and upon examination
Dr. Bowkett said life had been extinctabout eight hours. Deceased,
who was interested in several claims at Newellton, had been unwell
for some time before going to hospital. He came into Herberton; made
his Will, and that night took a dose of liniment which had been
goven him for rheumatics. The dose taken caused considerable pain
and he excaped as above described. It is supposed that bad luck in
mining affairs turned his brain; he was a very steady man. Deceased
was buried yesterday afernoon, the Rev J.D. Mably officiating.
Death. - We have to record the death of
P.J.Cronin, an old and respected resident of the Norh. He died on
Wednesday afternoon and was buried on Thursday, being followed to
the cemetery by a large concourse of friends and sympathisors, The
Rev. Murray was officiating clergyman and Mr J. Miller conducted the
It becomes our painful duty to record
another death this week, in the person of Surveyor J.J. Gwynne,
caused by a fall from his horse while returning home from the
funeral of a brother mason the late R.D. Cruickshank.Deceased
remained unconscious for five days; he subsequently regained
consciousness and partook of food, but unhappily a relapse occurred
and he departed this life at the hospital at seven o'clock on sunday
morning. That he was highly respected was patently manifested by the
large and respectable procession that followed his remains to the
cemetery, the most prominent being the body of Freemasons in full
regalia. The Rev J.T. Wilson performed the funeral rites and a most
impressive speech followed by the usual ceremonies was made at the
grave by Mr. J.C. Hurrey the Right Worshipful Master of the Evelyn
An Atherton selector, single, aged almost
50, named Michael Fox, was killed at Atherton on Wednesday last by a
fall from his horse. The accident occurred between Brazier's Hotel
and McGraw's, the deceased falling on the back of his head. Mr W.
McGraw, Mr R. Weinert, and Mr H.H. Barton, of Ravenswood, rendered
first assistance, and Constable Maber was promptly communicated
with. The deceased, who was unconscious when picked up, was conveyed
to the Herberton Hospital by Constable Maher, where he died about
three minutes after arrival, without recovering consciousness. The
cause of death was given by Dr Marks as fracture of the back of the
skull and a broken neck. The body was handed over to the deceased's
brother for burial, on an order issued by Mr Haldane, the P.M.
A Herberton Scandal.
I learn from a Herberton correspondent that there is an exciting
scandal up in that lively little field. It will be remembered that a
woman named Ellen Begley was found lying dead in a paddock there the
other day. My correspondent, writing on the 4th inst., says that the
enquiry into her death had not then come off, but that, "unless
facts were suppressed," (I use my correspondent's own language,
which may have a covert significance) there would be some
extraordinary evidence about a previous procuration of abortion.
Death. -- A patient named William Stevens
died in the Herberton Hospital on Sunday morning, the cause of death
being abscess of the lungs. Deceased was 48 years of age and had
been recently employed at Irvinebank.
Death.-- It is with extreme regret that we
have to record that Henry Hurry late of Coolgarra, who broke his leg
through his horse falling on Monday morning, the circumstances
appearing in Wednesday's issue, died at the hospital on Wednesday
night, having succumbed to the severe shock to the system. Deceased
was buried on Thursday afternoon. Mr C.G. Hurrey conducted the
A case of suicide is always distressing to
write about. The first event of the kind bore has taken place, and
was discovered on Saturday last, although the deed was perpetrated
on the day previous, and general concern was greatly exercised owing
to deceased being so generally known here, as she also was in Cairns
during her residence there. The circumstances as adduced in evidence
at the magisterial enquiry, are that Mrs. Casson having been missed
for some days the sergeant of police went to her house, where they
found the bedroom windows open and the key on the outside of the
front door. Entering the bedchamber deceased was found in bed lying
on her back, one arm across her breast and apparently in a placid
sleep. The unhappy woman was dead. On a table near was an empty
glass; on another table in the frontroom was an open letter
referring to the aweful death, and mentioning the fact that she had
taken a bottle of poison from off the shelf of Mr. Martin's chemist
shop during the absence of the owner. Mr Martin discovered than an
8oz bottle contasining 6oz of liquor morphia had disappeared. The
Herberton Advertiser describes deceased as a Dane itndont?
industrious, cleanly, and well behaved woman particularly well
skilled at ???? ??? ???? may be ene?? ????? for by the haltinted? .
Deceased was quite a young active woman, who, under the
circumstances, might have led a happy life, and been of great
assistance to the sick in the district in her avocation as nurse.
She had formerly been employed in the Brisbane Childrens' hospital.
In writing of a fatal accident to a little
son of Mr. Veen's, who was killed by the kick of a horse, the
Advertiser says :-- In the unfortunate case under notice Mr. Veen
and his deceased boy were walking down the main street of West
Herberton and at the same time a carter named Day let loose horses.
These come galloping down the street, most probably frisky after a
feed and one of them kicked out. Veen but narrowly escaped receiving
the full force of the kick, but his poor son did, which fractured
the forehead and skull and from which were protruding the child's
brains. The deceased child was followed to the cemetery by a large
number of Sunday School children and several residents.
God's Acre (The Tramp)
It was over 40 years ago when paying a visit to Herberton that John
Newell conducted me to a small cemetery long abandoned in which many
of the men at the first rush were buried. At the time many old slabs
marking the graves were still standing, but have since been
destroyed by passing bushfires.
The inscription which could still be read, furnished proof of the
wonderful grit of the old prospectors who formed the first flight,
several being allotted span when they struck out for the new field.
Of these, one record was
"John Cairns died 10 December 1884, Aged 81 years."
Another emphasized the tragic ending of one of the pioneers. It read
"John Ward Skene, killed by the blacks, 31 March 1882."
These graves were situated on the country below which the Deep Lead
was afterwards discovered. This was an old river bed sealed by the
basalt of volcanic eruptions, and from the wash of which good tin
was won, by men tunneling through the basalt. What more fitting bed
could be found for the last sleeping place of the plucky prospectors
who opened Herberton.
map showing Wild River and John St. is shown in DSCN1726.JPG .
Mr Munro drew attention to the state of the present cemetery and
advised that a fresh site be selected and that the present site be
fenced and no further burials be made there.
The (acting) chairman was empowered to so interview Mr Mobray on the
matter to apply to ? a more distant and suitable site reserved by
the Government - for a cemetery. The present site for be preserved
if possible and fenced in.
The above was agreed to ?? of .. the Acting ..
Herman ??
showing location of cemetery and extent. is shown in DSCN1727.JPG and DSCN1728.JPG
A Herberton story
There is an old cemetery on the first hill at the south side of
town, between the railway line and the main road. At present there
are standing only two headstones, one to the memory of John McManus,
who died on 20th October, 1883 aged 42 years. The other is to the
memory of Joseph James Gwynne, C.E., who died in the same year - the
last name is difficult to decipher. There are signs of many graves,
and one living shrub among the forest trees that have grown up. I am
told that a man named Skeane has a saw pit where the playground of Wondecla
State School is now, and had as a mate one of the Leahy family,
uncle of the present Mr J.M. Leahy, of Herberton.
Death of Jack Skene
(By "Tramp")
I notice in Tuesday's issue in the "Post" Mrs. John Marlin , ??, in
Atherton, draws attention to an inaccuracy in my recent article "A
Tableland Tour" pertaining to the death of Jack Skene, whom I stated
was killed by the blacks in 1884(?). As I wish these old time
records to be as accurate as possible, my earlier day writings on
the subject have been referred to. I find that 22 years ago
(1906(?)) the following account of the occurrence was written by me
for various Australian papers, being portion of articles concerning
the old time history of Herberton.
The inscription on the headstone or if memory serves me. It was a
slab of wood, was quite clear in those days and was carefully
copied. The account then written was as follows:
Sleeping on a bed of tin. In the course of my wanderings over the
deep lead the old cemetery was passed, situated right above the
lead, and formed before the valuable nature of the ground was known.
Had the graves been sunk deeper the rich tin wash would have been
discovered, but what more fitting bed could be found for the hardy
old pioneers who rushed the rough and rugged country of the Wild
River? Men of old age mostly, who by the inscriptions found on the
old slabs died a year or two after the opening of the field at ages
ranging from the seventies to close on four score, and who now take
their long rest sleeping on a bed of tin, And as I passed from God's
acre a last inscription met my eye:
John Ward Skene, killed by blacks, March 31, 1882.
Mrs. Mazlin is, therefore, quite right concerning the year in which
the murder was commited, and the writer thanks her for the
... the town of Herberton, and as we gain
the crest of the hill a spot is fair in the centre of the present
street reminds me of the fact that it was there, and in the year
1881, that I pitched my humble dwelling of calico. It also brings to
mind a lot of incidents. There was old Billy Williams, who used to
spend the evening at our camp fire. If memory serves me right Bill's
mate (Peter Black) was the first white man that the cemetery in
Herberton claimed. They had been mates for about thirty years, had
delved on many of our southern fields, and had followed the elusive
'weight into the remote corner of the Palmer and Hodgkinson
gold-fields, and now, on this progressing mineral belt, where new
finds were the order of the day, Peter had "chucked
the seven" and left poor old Bill alone and lonely. There is
not the least doubt that old Bill felt his position keenly, and
every night he would recount some incident that concerned their
early exploits on out southern fields, and it brought to mind the
sterling value of the old-time diggers' mateship - one camp, one
purse, and one mind - thatalways had a trend towards true
brotherhood. Of such was the school that old Bill and Peter Black