Thomas Henry HAYNES  | died at East Preston ?  |   | MA? 4th 1929  | aged 76  | ashes are laid beside his friend and partner Edward CHIPPINDALL  |   | Pioneer Cemetery - Broome  | <a href= >(More info on Thomas Haynes)</a>  |   |   |   |

Thomas Henry HAYNES
died at East Preston ?

MA? 4th 1929
aged 76
ashes are laid beside his friend and partner Edward CHIPPINDALL

Pioneer Cemetery - Broome
(More info on Thomas Haynes)

All the headstone photos in Broome Pioneer Cemetery
Names in photographed order.
Names in alphabetical order.
Latitude -17.97066286986267, Longitude 122.2367451770044
Latitude -17° 58’ 14", Longitude 122° 14’ 12"

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© Copyright 1996-2025 Kerry Raymond and David Horton