SOUVENIR-CHARTERS TOWERS, 1872 TO JULY, 1950 Page 67 CRICKET CARN IVAL FOUNDATION DAY WEEK-END, JANUARY, 1950 REGARDED as the greatest Cricket Carnival ever to be held in North Queensland, this was certainly a grand week-end of cricket, Fourteen teams competed from the following towns :­ Ayr (two teams), Hughenden, Ing­ham (two teams), Townsville, Home­stead, Cairns (three), Home Hill, Pent­land, Ravenswood and Charters Towers. All cricketers enjoyed themselves and practically every team stated that they would be back again next year if a simi­lar carnival were conducted. The trophy for the Carnival was a beautiful silver urn donated by the Licensed Victuallers' Association and has been called the North Queensland "Ashes." The standard of cricket was excellent and a fine competitive and sportsman ship spirit existed right throughout the whole week~end. Credit for the wonderful results achieved go mainly to Mlr. Ian Mann, Secretary, and the Plresident, Mr. J. Meeson. The Carnlival was won by the Cairns team with Ingham as runers-up. AYR No.1 Team L. Hooper (Batt. Aggreg. 100; Highest Score 92), A. Rolls, L. Searle, J. Anderson, R. Lewis, V. Buckley, D'. Seldon, W. Bowater (Bowl. Aggreg. 7), R. Cox, W. Dick, G. Swails (Bowl. Aver. 6.1, Highest Score 11th Man 79), J. Parker (Batt',Aver. 79,. Most Catches 3). HUGHENDEN W. Flynn, C. O'Connor, C. Ingram (Batt. Aver. 31). C. Anderson (Bowl. Aggreg. 4), B. Della Bosca, T. Hutton (Batt. Aggreg. 52, Highest Score 41), M. McMurtrie, W. Schultz, A. Jones, D. Gourley (Bowl. Aver. 8), S. Cross (Highest score 11th man 13), White, B. Schultz, G. Gibbs (Catches 3), Jackson. INGHAM No.1 G. Edgar (Catches 4), L. Martin (Batt. aggreg, 136, batt. av. 68, high. score 104), N. Stevenson, T. West, E. Christie, E. Muhling, H. Hunt, D. Kennedy, A. Odgers (Bowl. ag. 8, bowl av. 8, most wkts. in innings 6), J. Scragg; J. Anderson (High. score 11th man 1), Balanzategue. RAVENS WOOD J. Potts. B. Robson (Catches 2), G. Eard­man, F. Castles (Bowl. agg. 5, bowl. av. 10.8, most wkts. 111 I11nings 3), W. Sharpe (Highest score 41), F. Pardon (Highest score 41), R. Eardmanl. N. Cox, J. Eardman, W. Stockman, M.. Quinn (HIghest score 11th mall), Wein­heimer. A YR No.2 TEAM J. Adcock (Batt. agg. 92, batt. av. 46 most catches 4), J. Rolls, F. Kliensmidt J. Humphrey J. Insh (Highest score 52), J. Bourke, F. Kelly, B. .Bowater (Bowl. ag. 7, most wkts. in one I11nings 5), G. Irlam, J. Hughes, D. Jack (High. score 11th man 23), Colquhoun (Bowl. av. 9). TOWNSVILLE R. Moore, T. Andrews (Catches 4), J. Hinds, F. ChrIstenson, B. Brackley (High. score 11th man 8), J. Ecker, A. Jones (Bowl. av. 4) E., R. Richardson (Bowl. ag. 4, most wkts. 111 innings 3), R. Gartrell (Batt. ag. 111, av. 37, high. score 57), A. Walsh, V. Brackley, N. Christopher. CHARTERS TOWERS T. .Lye, J. Wheeler, K. Gartrell (Batt. ag. 101, hIgh. scare 62). H. Foxlee (Batt. av. 48 most wkts. in innings 7, bowl. ag. 17) L: Boundy, C. Hooper, A. Shamrock (Bowl: av. 3), C. Hammond, K. Sellars (Catches 3), H. Buckby, L. Edwards, A. Martin. HOMESTEAD .B. J. Cockfield, A. Tregea, A. Koch, G. GrIgg, A. .Ford, V. Grigg (Batt. ag. 125, batt. av. 31.2. hIgh. score 100, most wkts. in innings 4 bowl.. av. 17), A. Sorohan, R. Grigg, D. Sorohan (High. score 11th mall), E. Sorohan (Bowl. ag. 6), E. Harrison. CAIRNS No.1 A. Hin.sch (Bowl. av. 9.6), F. Skinner (Batt. av. 64, hIgh. score 100, batt. ag. 129, catches 2), W. Allendorf, M. Kelly, J. Brophy (Bowl. agg. 6, most wkts. in innings 4), D. Pelling (Catches 2), G. Peterson, W. Magrath, J. Gear, A. North (High. score 11th man 1), G. Smith. INGHAM No.2 A. McLeod, J. Covell, A. Bosworth (Bowl. agg. 6, wkts. in innings 4), N. Williams (Catches 3), T. O'Callaghan, V. Vitale (Bowl. av. 6, high. score 11th man 26), W. Benyon, Bell, B. .Milne, G. Skinner (Batt. agg. 55, batt. av. 55, hIgh. score 58, catches 3), B. Anderson, N. Hunt, Kennedy,