Page 64 SOUVENIR-CHARTERS TOWERS, 1872 TO JULY, 1950 CLAY PIGEON SHOOTING Sam Boll-Club Champion THE Towers has produced some remarkable shots both in pigeon and duck shooting. Amongst some of the best shots in years gone by were Charlie Archer, Albert de Castres, Bricky Henry, Jack McLean and many others whose names I cannot bring to mind at the moment. Just over five years ago a Club known as the "Charters Towers Diggers Clay Pigeon Club" was formed and has made wonderful progress. The Club was first formed through the generosity of Mr. Edward Hill of Natal Downs Station. His son Stan, who was killed in a 'plane crash on the Burdekin River; was a very keen pigeon shot and after his death Mr. Hill handed over two plus traps and about 1000 clay targets to Mr. Barney Colless, who was 'the driving force and soon got a solid band of helpers around him. Mr. Vic. Solomon, President, Mr. Hugh Hunter, Manager of the Commonwealth Bank was Treasurer and with Norm Crago and Percy McDonald, Tom Husband, Lyman Caton and a few other stalwarts operating, they very soon had a successful Club. A trap house and automatic trap with a set of five cement tracks has been installed, all the necessary Club rooms built and a 40 foot shooting tower erected. This is the only tower in Queensland. I think the fact that the Club has secured and paid for something like £400 worth of assets in five years and as well given liberal support to the Distressed Diggers Fund of the R.S.S.A.I.L.A. is evidence enough of the work that has been done by the Committee and Members of the Club. The W. Brownson-Age 13 Years