SOUVENIR-CHARTERS TOWERS, 1872 TO JULY, 1950 Page 57 CHARTERS TOWERS EXCELSIOR BAND In which is amalgamated the Towers Concert and City Bands. Founded 1946. First Contest, Toowoomba, 1948. Won "c" Grade Glrand Aggregate and G. J. Grice Cup. Trustees: City Council, Charters Towers. Patron: His Worship the Mayor, Ald. J. D. Cunningham. President: J. Pirie, Esq., Senior Vice Presidant, S. S. Peek, Esq. Conductor: Lou Gray, Esq.; Trea­ surer, A. T. Shaw, Esq. Secretary: J. Fisher, Esq.; Auditor, N. Dungavell, Esq. Queensland Band Association Vice President: H. W. Brown, Esq.; Repre­sentative, S. Peek, Esq. Committee: W. Dungavell Esq., H. W. Brown Esq., R. Reece Esq., J. Prideaux Esq., S. B'erryman Esq., H. Huxley Esq., F. Peterson Esq., G. Stanger Esq., R. McMillan Esq., J. Tul­loch Esq., H. Weare Esq. Vice Presidents: I. Douglas Esq., Dr. G. H. Ellis, Liberty Theatres, A. P. Coleman Esq., E. M. Waddel ,Esq., J. C. Jones Esq., J. P. Francis Esq., T. Realrdon Esq., Mrs. D. Clark, A. J. Anthony Esq., Dr. T. R. Edmeades, R. Gofton Esq., W. Tredrea Esq., J. F. Collins Esq., A. Jones Esq., M.L.A., L. Caton Esq., R. Hawton Esq., J. Heidecker Esq. Band Personnel: Messrs. J. Hides (Dep. Mayor), R. McMillan, W. Dunga­veIl, H. Oss, Lou Gray jnr., W. Morri­son, IR. Taylor, G. Mitchell, R. Gaffney, R. Gregory, J. Keiley, D. Battle, J. Gilligan, J. Tulloch, A. Oss, A. Battle, R. Reece, O. Smith, W. Ratcliffe, H. Weare, S. Lingard, J. Smith, G. Fisher, G. Stanger, S. Berrryman, H. Brown, F. Peterson, Ald. G. J. Carbis, H. Huxley, M. Weston, D. McLeod, H. Lavery. Drum Major, J. Prideaux; Collector, A. Perrow. CHARTERS TOWERS HOSPITAL Secretary: Mr. A. C. McALLISTER. Chairman : Stip. Mag. N. F. T. APLIN. Board Members: E. D. RYAL, W. F. SCOTT, W. F. H. SYMES. Medical Superintendent: Dr. P. FLECHER. £116,000 is being spent for a new Ad­ministration Block, New Nurses Quart­ers and remodelling of the Main Hospital Building. Work on the Nurses' Quarters is already in progress. CHARTERS TOWERS GRAZIERS' ASSOCIATION Number of Members, 86. Meetings held: Bi-monthly. Chairman: GEORGE WOODBUIRN Secretary: V. F. BUTCHER CHARTERS TOWERS JOCKEY CLUB Possess a fine course situated ap­proximately 1½ miles from the centre of the city. Number of meetings held during the year: 7 CHARTERS TOWERS GAS, COKE, COAL AND LI'GHT CO. LTD. Nominal Capital .£20,000 Assets valued at. £20,035 Paid up Capital. .£20,000 Number of Consumers 350 Gas made for the year ended 30/6/49: 10,534,200 cubic feet. Chairman Director: C. A. J. ANDERSON. Manager: IAN B. MANN. Directors: S. C. HUTCHINSON, J. MORRISON, Secretary: NORMAN DUNGA VELL.