Page 56 SOUVENIR-CHARTERS TOWERS, 1872 TO JULY, 1950 KINDRED SOCIETIES LIST OF MASONIC LODGES AND SECRETARIES Charters Towers Lodge, No. 23, 2nd Wednesday; C. Miller, Hillview, Charters Towers.. St. John's Davenport, No. 33, 4th Tues­ day; A. Hall, Stubley St., Charters Towers. Mylne Lodg.e, No. 61, 4th Saturday; C. Pengelly, Box 60, Cr. Towers. Corinthian Lodge, No. 71, 1st Saturday; A. Titley, Deighton St., Cr. Towers. Amity Lodge, No. 101, 1st Thursday; H. Richards, Church St., Ch. Towers. No.8 Chapter; J. C. Jones, York Street, Charters Towers. No. 12 Chapter; R. H. Davies, Box 93, Charters Towers. Rose Croix; J. c. Jones, York Street, Charters Towers. North Queensland Consistory, No. 12; J. G. McClelland, Town Hall, Char­ters Towers. ROTARY CLUB OF CHARTERS TOWERS WEEKLY NOTICE President, Jim McClelland; Imme­diate Past President, Jack Francis; Vice President, Ralph Gofton; Hon. Trea­surer, John Collins; Sergeant-at-al-ms, Bob Howard; Hon. Secretary, Paul Wherry. DIRECTORS: Bert Anthony, Lyman Caton, Ralph Gofton, Pat Flecker. COMMITTEES: Aims and Objects: Jim McClelland (Chairman), Jack Francis, Ralph Gofton, Paul Wherry, Bert Anthony, Pat Flecker, Bob Howard. Club Service: John Collins (Chair­man), Jack Francis, Bob Howard, Paul Wherry, Tom Hall, Tom Foxlee, Lyman Caton, Pat Flecker, Jim McClelland. Vocational Service: Pat Flecker (Chairman), John Collins, Frank Hymus, Joe Heideckel-, Percy Blain. Community Service: Jack Francis (Chairman), Ralph Gofton, Chas. Thompson, Alan Denmead, Dan Downey, Bob Bartlett. International Service: Bert Anthony (Chairman), Barney Colless, Lyman Caton, Tom Hall. Honorary Members: Jack Dickinson, George Adair. ROYAL ANTEDILUVIAN ORDER OF BUFFALOES THE Society is known as R.A.O.B., meaning Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes, and the local Lodge is Phoenix No. 24, on the roll of the Grand Lodge of England. Phoenix Lodge No. 24 meets on al­ternate Thursdays in the M.U. Hall, Gill Street. The R.A.O.B. is a purely social Lodge where men of different political opinions and creeds may meet together in social amity in a society whose main objetcs are philanthrophy and conviviality. Owing to seasonal work and other reasons taking members away from the district, Phoenix Lodge No. 24 became defunct a few years ago and not quite eighteen months ago several enthusias­tic members decided to revive this Lodge and it was so successful a revival that to-day it has a total of 60 members. Present Officers are: W.P. Bro. T. Glenwright, C.P.; A.B. Bro. F. Parker, C.P.; C.Sec. Bro. J. J. Shipp, C.P.; C.Trea. Bro. F. Collins, C.P.; C.Mars. Bro. J. Fraser, K.O.M.; C.Reg. Bro. F. Choate; C.Cons. Bro. W. Sullivan; C.Ty. Bro. H. E. Gunthorpe; C.Wtr. Bro. S. O. Lollo; C.Stwd. Bro. C. Pengelly; C.Cham. Bro. R. L. Hurle; Trustees Bro. H. Burr, C.P., F. Parker, C.P.. A very warm welcome awaits any Brother who is visiting Charters Tow­ers at the time of our meetings, every alternate Thursday.