SOUVENIR-CHARTERS TOWERS, 1872 TO JULY, 1950 Page 55 sink to a vertical depth of 120 feet. Down to this depth it is estimated that .15,000 tons of ore will be won averaging about 6 dwts. pelr ton, but even at this figure it should be a very payable proposition. When Tom and Dave were 13 years of age they both had a successful tribute in the Talisman Mine. Very few people would have forgot­ ten "Dave Tuckett," the father of these two brothers. The late Dave Tuckett was a very thrifty man and on one oc­casion printed an advertisement in which the following words were in­cluded: "Dave Tuckett, the man who makes £5 notes out of other peoples rubbish heaps." In the earlier history, Dave Tucket.t tributed in the Victory Mine and struck a rich block of stone which paid £20,000 to the four tributers. Another lease which Dave Tuckett took up was the Swedenborg which was taken over by a company and produced some very fine crushi1ngs about the years 1936-1938. Gold Production Figures-Old and New THE TOTAL CRUSHINGS 12 MONTHS ENDING JANUARY, 1889 ozs dwts. tons. cwt. Alexandria 203 0 143 0 Alexandria Hill (n.1.) 195 0 127 15 Band of Hope 349 0 334 0 Black Jack 67 0 78 0 Black Jack Block 51 3 38 0 Caledonian P.C. 334 0 75 0 Day Dawn Block and WYndham . 885 0 518 0 Day Dawn 3 West. 1148 0 302 0 Day Dawn 4A West 1763 10 317 0 Day Dawn 5 West 62 5 97 0 Day Dawn 6 West 77 0 53 0 Day Dawn P.C. 2489 10 2537 0 Elsie Konig 51 18 29 0 Gladstone P.C. 128 0 54 0 Golden Crown 142 0 160 0 Golden Gate 346 0 217 0 Great Britain 222 0 128 0 Iron Duke 85 0 63 0 ]ust-in- Time Block 53 0 79 0 Kelly's Caledonian 140 0 35 0 Lady Mary Tribute 471 0 151 0 Lal Lal 134 15 28 0 Lubra 120 0 104 0 Lord Nelson 64 0 23 0 MOUnt Charles 82 0 256 0 Mystery 16 13 53 0 Mexican 113 0 142 0 Old Identity 605 0 480 0 Papuan . 122 0 59 0 Papuan Block Extended 118 0 230 0 Queen, North 86 0 103 0 Queenslander 91 0 105 0 Rainbow P.C. 759 0 380 0 St. George Queen and Victory 931 11 422 0 Sunburst 154 0 52 0 Sovereign 144 0 120 0 Stockholm P.C. 241 0 147 0 Swedenberg P.C. 617 10 188 0 Stockholm No.1 North 73 0 58 0 St. George P.C. 1050 0 211 0 Union 160 0 1269 0 Victory 2673 0 1269 0 Worcester and Victory 119 17 65 0 16698 12 Value 1889, approximately £50,094. Present value, 1950, approximately £259,800. CHARTERS TOWERS GOLD PRODUCTION FIGURES FROM 1938 TO 1949 Year Fins Ozs Value 1938 12,832.5 £114,404 1939 14,586.3 137,286 1940 14,096 150,237 1941 10,662 113,680 1942 6,871 71,802 1943 1,945 8,266 1944 1,794 7,623 1945 1,765 7,509 1946 2,770.8 27,360 1947 5,192 55,814 1948 4,610.4256 43,852 1949 3,135.2499 31,724 79,864.2755