SOUVENIR-CHARTERS TOWERS, 1872 to JULY, 195O Page 25 voiceless, bedraggled and were met with tables laid and a hearty reception. Seven a.m, saw the party perched on the fence of Tobey Martin's old school before drifting away to home and dreamland and a week of recovery. The carol party mentioned above consisted of J. D. Knipe, R. Hall, Fred Broomhead, George Joyce, Frank Maskell, Harry Taylor, Woodfield, Helrbert Hall, Nicholas Pea­cock, William T'oy, Dick Hand, Dick Millett, George Lear and two others. Mr, Will M. Jones arrived from Gym­pie in 1898 to take charge of the Apollo Orchestra. When Arthur King left the following year a Choral Society had been started and Mr. Jones took the baton. He piloted the society through a larg'e portion of the "Elijah," and on May 2, 1900, conducted them in Stern­dale Bennett's "May Queen," leading roles being taken by Misses Rita Olsen (Mrs. Knipe), C. Fardon (Mrs. Creagh), Mr. Angel and Mr. Geo. Gray. The so­ciety also gave a miscellaneous concert then disbanded" and Mr. Jones became associated with St. Columba's choir and works of the greatest masters, well prepared, were heard at that church. Then commenced Richard Hall's conductorship of our most famous choilr, the Leidertafel (which during World War I. changed its Gerrman name to the Curlews) which lasted unbroken for 33 years until his death. The highlight of his career was when he took his choir to Bundaberg in 1912, and was only beaten by one point by the best in the south. Later A. W. Trembath came into prominence, first as competitive choilr master and then as band conductor, do­ing big things in both spheres. Dick Hall's father conducted the Leidertafel orchestra for many years with Miss Flo Hall as pianist. Then Dick took over, and in his busiest musi­cal days was conducting the male choir, orchestra and the mixed voice compe­titve choir. The greatest conductor among the Welshmen was John Parry who led the Leonta choir in many a keen contest. Frank Millett has the unique distinc­tion of having conducted "A" grade com­petitive choirs in Charters Towers, Townsville and Cairns. Still later Sholto Jones, son of Will M. Jones, and brother of Jack Jones (of whose solid work for eisteddfodau all are aware) came to the fore in Townsville with a remalrkably fine choir. He has been transferred to Brisbane and the baton is now in the hands of yet another Towersite, Ray Penprase. The best known and most popular of our native born pianists was Nicholas Robins. He possessed a remarkable memory and in the old "silent" days used, to play full programmes-popular or classical without reference to a sheet of music. He later moved to Sydney. Another very musical family was the Clarks, of the Crown Hotel. John Clark, the father, was a flautist. Emily Clark (Mrs. F. O. Steel) a harpist, and Mabel Clark, a talented violinist. The Jenkin Lewis family were also keenly interested in music." Miss Rene Lewis, trained by Madame Christian, of Sydney, was popular as a vocalist, and also as a voice trainer, one of her pupils, Thelma Whybird; being a very success­ful Eisteddfod competitor. Probably our greatest local burnt cork artist was Tom Rich, possessing an expressive voice and equally expres­sive face, he invariably brought down the house in such songs as "It was only a beautiful sausage" and "Don't mak.e those goo-goo eyes at me." Later he took to straight singing and won in Eisteddfod competition. The formation of the Philharmonic Society by Mr. Lou Gray, the kell known band conductor was another musical milestone. As with his band, he insisted on purity and quality of tone and balance and their first concert is still fresh in memory. When Mr. Gray left, Mr. Les Jacobs, of Thornburgh College, took over the choir and for the past eight years or so, Mr. Fred Friemann has wielded the baton.