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5. A well-known jeweller used to handle some fairly large
quantities of
amalgam. On one night only a few ounces came in. This was placed in a
small crucible, the coke was stirred up, and the pot was left to cook
itself. The next morning. there was apparently not one piece of gold
jewellery in the shop. Every article was coated with a splendid silvery
sheen. The vaporis mercury had silvered every piece of gold in the shop.
6. When the Day Dawn P.C. was on the gold, much of it never saw
battery. The leakage was so great the Directors called in the
police, and one miner, Dan (that wasn't his name) had been cutting
quite a dash and was suspected. Arriving at the surface with a
very valuable specimen in his coat pocket, and noting the
intense stare of the two policemen on his bulging pocket, he paled and
thus betrayed himself. The demons grinned, and did the cat and
mouse act with poor Dan. Following him from bathroom to change
room, they then led him to where his coat hung to question him. The
specimen was gone. What surprise was
shown by both parties! What had happened? The cunning old engine
driver, wisely realizing the position, had, in the short interval
between the ascent and descent of the cage, quickly left his perch,
went to the coat, and hoisted the specimen.
7. An ardent specker (specimen hunter) working. among the rich
was most precipitable in his rush to the face, after a cut was fired.
On one occasion, a miscounted shot caught him bending and sliced a
pound or so of good rump steak from his right buttock. This mishap
necessitated several weeks' layup in the hospital. After his
recovery and return to work, his intimate friends averred that his
specking ardour was quelled not one jot.
Geology of Towers Charters
(By A. K. Denmead. )
CHARTERS TOWERS is built upon a
foundation of granite. Bold outcrops of this rock are to be seen
on Towers Hill and along the ridges that lie immediately north of the
city. In the town itself granite is seldom seen, but it has been found
in mine shafts and other excavations.
In the northern suburbs about Richmond Hill, slate and schist
appear in places, though granite is still the dominant
formation. Schist and quartzite cover an extensive
area west and southwest of the town.
In some remote period in geological time the rocks which are now schist
and quartzite were being deposited on the sea floor as mud and sand,
but heat and pressure brought about by convulsions of the earth's
surface have completely altered their character. Following
upon the movements which brought about the changes in the earth's crust
the molten under-layer, released from pressure, began to eat its way
upward, engulfing the altered sediments as it advanced, until loss
of heat caused it to solidify as a crystalline mass called granite.
The gold-bearing reefs of Charters Towers were deposited from hot
solutions which welled upward along fissures in the cooling and
contracting granite crust.
Gold is concentrated in well-defined areas within the reefs known as
"shoots" which are characterised by an abundance of metallic minerals,
such as iron pyrites, zinc blende (or "Black Jack") and galena (lead
This phenomenan is not peculiar to Charters Towers-it is the rule
wherever gold reefs are worked. The reason for it is sometimes fairly
plain, but in Charters Towers, notwithstanding a wealth of
theories it is still obscure. Until it is better understood no one can
say that there might not be, at greater depths than have already been
reached, a recurrence of those conditions which 'caused gold to be
deposited in such prodigality as to make Charters Towers one of the
richest gold fields in the world.