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While other projects within EDST plan to investigate and develop models of enterprises, the goal of this project is to take high-level concrete descriptions of business applications and generate as much code to implement these applications as is possible.

Existing middleware technology tends to focus on either providing computational interfaces to objects but not linking these together other than with code, or on managing sequences of coarse-grained black-box tasks but without providing computational interfaces to these sequences.

Now that CORBA, EJB, DCOM, and other middleware systems expose legacy applications through object interfaces, it becomes possible to write high-level specifications for the interaction and coordinating of these components using enterprise level constraints rather than just simple execution ordering.

The outputs of related projects such as Elemental allow us to write higher-level specifications and do a better job of the automated code generation. The outputs of the Pegamento project include the following:
  • Standards for specifying Enterprise Distributed Object Computing systems using UML. This work is done jointly between the Pegamento and Elemental projects.
  • Specifications for mappings from (UML) design artifacts to middleware glue.
  • Tools and plugin tool architecture for achieving mappings.
  • Next generation workflow middleware.

Contact Point:

Mr Keith Duddy
Phone 07 3365 4677

Dr Michael Lawley
Phone 07 3365 4173

Dr Kerry Raymond
Mr Keith Duddy
Dr Michael Lawley
Mr David Hearnden
Erica Glynn

Current areas of work:
   EDOC RFP 1:
   EDOC RFP 2: UML Profile for CORBA
   EDOC RFP 3: (aka HUTN)
   EAI RFP: Enterprise Application Integration
: Workflow with ease
HUTN: Human Usable Textual Notations (for MOF)
HUGN: Human Usable Graphical Notation