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Resource Discovery of single-medium atomic digital objects has advanced in the past 5 years due to the development of improved automatic classification and indexing techniques and metadata standards such as Dublin Core and MPEG-7.

However the future will lead to many more compound multimedia documents on the web which combine text, image, audio and video in rich complex structured documents in which temporal, spatial, structural and semantic relationships exist between the components. The problems of generating, indexing, archiving, searching, browsing, retrieving, presenting and managing these kinds of structured dynamic documents are infinitely more complex than the indexing and archival of simple atomic textual documents.

Hence the objectives of this project are to develop underlying data models, ontologies, metadata schemas (RDF, XML), metadata generators, annotation tools, repositories, querying and inferencing languages, search and presentation interfaces and search engines which can provide solutions to the problems of finding, assimilating, presenting, preserving, and managing content:

  • Across domains e.g. cultural, educational, scientific;
  • Across metadata schemes, and vocabularies e.g.:
    • DC - Dublin Core;
    • MPEG-7 - Content Description Interface for Multimedia;
    • MPEG-21 - Multimedia Framework;
    • IMS - Metadata standard for online learning resources;
    • CIDOC CRM - Conceptual Reference Model for Museum Content;
  • Across media types e.g. text, image, audio, video, music, cartographic, HTML, SMIL, XML;

- in order to facilitate the analysis, interpretation and correlation of heterogenous information sources and the generation of new knowledge.

Contact Point:
Dr Jane Hunter
Phone 07 3365 4553

Jane Hunter - DSTC
Hoylen Sue - DSTC
Ronald Schroeter - DSTC
Michael Henderson - DSTC
Bevan Koopman - DSTC
Tinni Choudhury - DSTC
Suzanne Little - University of Qld
Kwok Cheung - University of Qld