Transaction framework DBMS & SNMP

Object_Id               : 278
Title                   : Transaction framework DBMS & SNMP
Format                  : Directory
Address                 :
Keywords                : SNMP, Transaction, Shared Library, rollback, commit, database
Abstract                : Transaction module -:
 *	Implementation of recording mechanism for rolling transactions 
 *	forward or back through use of calls to compensatory functions. 
 *	Includes support for multithreaded operation, but only
 *	protects itself, not user code.
  -: Shared library module
 *	Allow ability to determine if the running binary includes 
 *	a particular library (e.g. a particular DBMS), and then 
 *	conditionally load a support library for that product.
 *	(Otherwise the support library could force unwanted loading of DBMS).
Date_Entry_Last_Modified: $Date: 2002/02/25 00:43:25 $
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : $Author: horton $
Asset_Qualification     : 
Other_Opinions          : 
Contact_Person          : David Horton
IP_or_Copyright_Owner   : CiTR.
Support_re_Ownership    : Developed between projects.
Date_Item_Created       : July-2001
Usage_Conditions        : 
Support_re_Usage_Condns : 
Authors_and_Contributors: Anthony Symmons
Projects_Used_In        : 
Obtained_From           : 
Derived_From            : 
Related_Items           : Mibmaster enterprise edition, 
Code_Type               : Library
Programming_Language    : C
Portations              : Solaris
Dependencies            : Solaris shared library for 
Source_Location         : /projects/mibmaster/007.Source/src/transactional/
Binaries_Location       : 
Library_Location        : 
Additional_Info         :