ITU-T Managed Object Definitions

Object_Id               : 210
Title                   : ITU-T Managed Object Definitions
Node_Type               : Production
Format                  : other (URL)
Address                 :
Keywords                : ASN
Abstract                : NMF is pleased to advise the online availability of ITU-T managed object
                          definitions on our FTP server.  This is in addition to the current
                          availability of NMF, OIW and some T1M1 managed object definitions.
                          Some may be aware that we have been negotiating with ITU-T for some time
                          to make this facility available to the industry.  This has now been
                          realised and can be found on the NMF ftp server ( or
                 in the public area of the server under directory
                          /objects.  Access to the ftp server is also available via the World Wide
                          Web (
                          The GDMO/ASN.1 contents of many ITU-T,, and
                          Recommendations will be found in text format, which is directly machine
                          readable and parseable.  In addition, all published Corrigenda and
                          Amendments have been applied to the files to save further industry
                          effort, and to promote wider systems interoperability.  An update
                          history is contained in comments in each file.  It is thus now possible
                          to single source a common set of managed object definitions which will
                          help product consistency in the industry and reduce product development
                          Potential users of these files should carefully note the conditions of
                          use of the ITU-T files.  An extract, which appears in each ITU-T file,
                          is appended to this message for your advance information.  You should
                          note that the files contain only the GDMO/ASN.1 extracts, not the full
                          ITU-T Recommendation which must be purchased IN ADVANCE of accessing the
                          files in order to be in compliance with ITU-T copyright restrictions
                          (see note below).  
                          Object definition files will be found in three sub-directories under
                          directory  /Objects:-
                          for the files extracted from ITU-T Recommendations that have received
                          formal approval and have been published
                          any defects which have been reported to ITU-T on specific
                          (Note, a preliminary fix has been applied to the relevant document)
                          a number of files extracted from pre-final ITU-T Recommendations which
                          have reached a relatively stable state, but which may be awaiting
                          approval, or for which we are still awaiting a formal copy
                          Should you find any defects associated with any of these files, you are
                          encouraged to report the defect to as soon as
Date_Entry_Created      : 30/04/97
Entry_Created_By        : horton
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : 
Asset_Qualification     : default for CiTR use
Other_Opinions          : 
Contact_Person          : 
IP_or_Copyright_Owner   : ITU
Support_re_Ownership    : 
Date_Item_Created       : 
Usage_Conditions        : Refer to usage conditions at the site. CiTR should also purchase hardcopy.
Support_re_Usage_Condns : 
Projects_Used_In        : n/a
Obtained_From           : Network Management Forum
Derived_From            : 
Related_Items           :  http://web/home/horton/html/ITU_T.txt
Document_Type           : Source Code
Additional_Info         :