ATM Forum Computer Based Training

Object_Id               : 202
Title                   : ATM Forum Computer Based Training
Node_Type               : Production
Format                  : off-line (e.g. on archive tape or CD-ROM)
Address                 : library PC (perhaps when we have WinCenter?)
Keywords                : ATM
Abstract                : There is a set of Computer based training modules installed on
                          the library PC.
                          These include
                          	Intermediate (detail) ATM
                          	LAN Emulation
                          	Primate NNI
                          	Anchorage Accord (integrated sets of standards)
                          	Glossary of ATM terminology
                          	About the ATM Forum
                          	Articles from "53 Bytes" the magazine
                          		Physical Layer specs
                          		Management (M-series)
                          		Available Bit Rate (ABR)
                          		Voice over ATM
                          		MPEG (audio-visual) over ATM
                          		SMDS to ATM service interworking
                          The installation disks are available for use within CiTR for installation
                          on other PCs, or you may be able to arrange with Natalie to see them.
Date_Entry_Created      : 02/04/97
Entry_Created_By        : horton
Date_Entry_Last_Modified: 02/04/97
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : Horton
Asset_Qualification     : good / very useful
Other_Opinions          : 
Contact_Person          : Natalie
IP_or_Copyright_Owner   : ATM Forum
Support_re_Ownership    : 
Date_Item_Created       : 28/03/97
Usage_Conditions        : May be used for training within CiTR, and Uni of QLD as ATM Forum Members.
Support_re_Usage_Condns : 
Projects_Used_In        : NC380
Obtained_From           :
Derived_From            : 
Related_Items           : 
Document_Type           : tutorial
Additional_Info         : 2 x 3.25" floppys that install on Win95