Ansett Australia web site

Object_Id               : 159
Title                   : Ansett Australia web site
Node_Type               : Production
Format                  : HTML
Address                 :
Keywords                : schedule
Abstract                : This is Ansett Australia's web site.
                          (First, select, at the bottom of the first page whether your 
                          browser copes with Frames, or whether you need/want no frames 
                          or just text.)
                          The site is organised into:
                          o  Holiday Traveller - 
                          basically for holidaymakers
                          o  Traveller Services - business traveller oriented:
                                 - Golden Wing, Frequent Flyer, etc. "Fear of Flying"
                                   (a course) is an interesting one if you need it
                          o  Timetable - with "Timetable 
                          Search", select both ends of 
                                   your trip from the pick lists and applicable
                                   flights are returned. "Passenger Information" tells
                                   you about checkin times, baggage allowances, electronic 
                          smoking & hazardous materials.
                          o Ansett Australia - usual background info.
                          o News & Offers - there is some travel planner software you
                                   can download (looks like PC)
                          o About Australia - touristy stuff, though has blurbs that
                                might be useful for orientation.
Date_Entry_Created      : 13/01/97
Entry_Created_By        : jane
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : 
Asset_Qualification     : useful / does the job
Other_Opinions          : 
Contact_Person          : 
IP_or_Copyright_Owner   : Ansett
Support_re_Ownership    : 
Date_Item_Created       : 
Usage_Conditions        : see disclaimer on home page
Support_re_Usage_Condns : 
Projects_Used_In        : ad hoc
Obtained_From           : 
Derived_From            : 
Related_Items           : Qantas home page:

Reference_Type          : web page
Internal_or_External    : External
Additional_Info         :