Interactive Atlas - Map Quest

Object_Id               : 134
Title                   : Interactive Atlas - Map Quest
Node_Type               : Production
Format                  : HTML
Address                 :
Keywords                : travel
Abstract                : I have used 2 main features:
                          1. tripquest
                          Specify origin & destination of any trip within N. America.
                          The software will return detailed directions and maps for 
                          the trip. Includes details such as type of roads, tolls, 
                          speed limits, 
                          expected time for journey, etc.
                          2. mapquest
                          interactively select maps for anywhere in the world:
                          pan, scan in, scan out, display icons for several useful
                          locations - e.g airports, hotels, businesses, points of 
                          interest, ...
                          good down to street level in USA.
                          Can easily find location of a specified hotel, or business,
                          for instance.
                          In most other countries, OK to city level & major highways.
                          Some detail in some major cities.
                          e.g.  Brisbane locale showed a 
                          few nearby towns such as
                          Ipswich, Goodna, Morningside, Brighton, Logan, Beenleigh.
                          Some street level detail for downtown, only.
                          If you register as a user (free), you can tailor how it
                          interacts with you, and can record personal 
                          on maps.
Date_Entry_Created      : 14/11/96
Entry_Created_By        : Mike Husband
Date_Entry_Last_Modified: 12/02/97
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : Mike Husband
Asset_Qualification     : excellent
Other_Opinions          : 
Contact_Person          : 
IP_or_Copyright_Owner   : mapquest
Support_re_Ownership    : 
Date_Item_Created       : 
Usage_Conditions        : 
Support_re_Usage_Condns : 
Projects_Used_In        : any
Obtained_From           : 
Derived_From            : 
Related_Items           : 
Reference_Type          : service
Internal_or_External    : External
Additional_Info         : 

Class: Reference


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