Peachester Cemetery Caloundra City - Pioneer Memorial Plaques

Strong interest has been shown for commemorative plaques to be provided at Peachester Cemetery by individuals or families, in memory of local early residents who are buried/cremated at other places. Such plaques may, for example, remember local pioneer persons or families and their descendants, or War Service men and women who enlisted from this district but died and were buried/cremated elsewhere, perhaps on the battlefields of the world.

Formal approval is held from Caloundra City Council for Peachester History Committee to arrange production and placement of such plaques along the top of the stone-faced retaining wall below the columbarium staircase. Council rural parks foreman and cemetery sexton Mr Ron Lea has undertaken that a space of one metre will be left from the bottom of that wall to the head of future graves fanning along the wall, so that adequate walk-room will be left for viewing plaques.

The History Committee has established the following policies:

Reference persons

Graham Leach 45 London Creek Rd Ph 54949761
Bruce Page Woodford Rd. Ph 54949557
Chris Woodland 93 River Rd. Ph 54949698

May 2005