Alice Maude MCINTOSH (nee PARKINSON),  | 10-10-1910 - 16-09-2004,  | wife of Malcolm Angus,  | mother of Malcolm, Athol, Johanna & Kenneth;  | Beerwah Cemetery, City of Caloundra  |

10-10-1910 - 16-09-2004,
wife of Malcolm Angus,
mother of Malcolm, Athol, Johanna & Kenneth;
Beerwah Cemetery, City of Caloundra

All the headstone photos in Beerwah Cemetery, Caloundra
Names in photographed order.
Names in alphabetical order.
Latitude -26.8518523202214, Longitude 152.9865735240198
Latitude -26° 51’ 7", Longitude 152° 59’ 12"

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© Copyright 1996-2025 Kerry Raymond and David Horton