Page 28 SOUVENIR-CHARTERS TOWERS, 1872 TO JULY, 1950 So that's why they left us and that's where they've gone, To fight for their Country to put down the wrong, They laid down their music, to take up the gun, To deliver us all from the hands of the Hun, We have there Alf Villiers, a lad Oh so kiud, With a nature so sweet, your heart is entwined, Went right through Gallipoli, then over to France, , There scrapped with old Fritz and led him a dance, But away in Pozieres poor Alf, at last fell, Was seriously wounded the cables did tell, Spent months in the Hospital racked through with pain, But now he is better and fighting againl, And also Jim Copeland, from the land of the Kilt, Who's now in the battle right up to the hilt, He plays his old bagpipes, to the "Cock of the North " As right'into action his company goes forth. There's little Lou Bowers, he was only a boy, With too small a frame to be one of the toys, He exercised daily his chest to expand, But the Doctor said kindly, go back to your band. Yes, Lou loved the band, but other he'd planned, So with dumb ell and clubs again he: began, To inflate his small chest to stretch to the test, And join his old Boys' in that trip to the west. So now Lou is there. the Boy who pre­pared, To make himself fit the hardships to bear, And though he is slight, by gosh he can fight, Be it ever so rough, and the corner so tight. Rick was a rare diamond, tho' in the rough, As strong as a Lion, and just quite as tough. Happy as Larry, you could hear old Rick's laugh, As with someone he'd banter and together they'd chaff. Now Rick had a heart as true as fine steel, And those of his friends this verdict will seal, If you search for a cobber this wide world around, Ne'er better than Rick a friend could be found. Will Pritchard's the next, the lad with the smile, Into mischief yea always, but ne'er was there guile. The girls they loved Willie; the boys liked him too, For nature's like his, alas, are too few. With cobbers Will Husband, and poor old Jack Bragg, When duty did call them, they Together they left us, together In the push of the Somme that For poor Husband fell, and Jack Bragg as well, And Will he was wounded, the cables did tell, In England was lying, his nerves racked and strained, Tho' only half better, he's gone back again. Now Will had a brother, who's name it was Dick, And when looking for SoJdiers, on him YOU would pick, But Dick was turned down his molars were few, A Altho' he assured them that cardboard he'd chew. No good this to Dick, to Townsville he went. And quickly to Europe this lad he was sent, Not long was he there, till he too was knocked, And like his good brother, is suffering from shock. Now brave Sonny Woods was the pride of the Band, A cornetist rare, nigh the best in the land Of any that's gone we least could him spare, But for his dear country he really did care. His mother a widow at that not too strong V At first it would seem his going was wrong A But that Mother was strong in ller natiolna1 pride, And to hinder her boy she'd rather have died So Sonny he went, ill France he did fall, He gave up his talents his life yea his all, To save us from hearing the dread cannon's roar, Keep the spoiler of Belgium away from our door, Now Stanley, his brother, was different to Son, No matter who suffered he must have his fun But as soon as he heard his brother did fall It turned that light heart as bitter as gall, For the blood of his brother it called to poor Stan, With the call of his mates to come give them a hand. And Stanley has gone to that far away fie1d To take up the sword his brother did wield, Did thee know Jacky Pearce a real cousin John, Bant thee knaw me he'd say from Y orkstreet I Kom, Johnny liked his old pasty his band and his fun Be thee Jet me dear faither go wallop that Hun.