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Project Leaders
Dr Andy Bond. Chief Scientist
Professor Kerry Raymond. Research Director
Dr Andrew Goodchild. Senior Project Leader
Dr Audun Josang. Senior Project Leader
Dr Peter Bruza. Senior Project Leader
Dr Zoran Milosevic. Senior Project Leader
Mr Ted McFadden. Senior Project Leader
Dr Michael Lawley. Senior Project Leader
Dr Linda Bird. Senior Project Leader
Dr Hoylen Sue. Senior Project Leader
Mr Keith Duddy. Senior Project Leader
Mr Andrew Wood. Senior Project Leader
Dr Tim Mansfield. Senior Project Leader

Dr Jane Hunter. Senior Project Leader

Jane Hunter is currently a Distinguished Research Fellow and Senior Project Leader of DSTC's MAENAD (Multimedia Access for Enterprises across Networks And Domains) project.

She is investigating data models, ontologies, metadata standards (Dublin Core, MPEG-7, MPEG-21), schemas (RDF, XML), software tools and query languages to enable the indexing, archival, discovery, analysis, integration, management and preservation of large multimedia collections. She is currently the liaison between MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) and W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and the liaison between MPEG and Dublin Core Metadata Initiatives.

Jane is also currently a member of the Dublin Core Advisory Board, the AGLS Working group, the W3C Web Ontology Language Working group, the VidMid/ViDe Working group, and on the State Library of Qld's Information Steering Committee.

Dr Jane Hunter