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The DSTC-operated CRC EDST is scheduled to complete its highly successful 7 year lifecycle and will cease operations on 30 June, 2006. While negotiations continue about the establishment of successor research and commercial organizations, CRC EDST itself is beginning its wind-up process from 1 July, 2005. This process involves placing research outputs with new owners to continue to build on the work of CRC EDST, and many CRC EDST staff moving to the next stages of their careers outside the CRC.

While the CRC winds up progressively over the next 12 months, a portfolio of research work will continue to be developed, providing important new results and technology transfer to its participating partners and customers.

We will keep you informed of the progress of our wind-up, and of any new plans and entities as they come to fruition. In the meantime we look forward to continuing to work with you as we move through our formal wind-up project.